WandaNat (Alternate Ending)

Start from the beginning

She gives your hand a squeeze once Steve finishes talking, urging you to turn to her. Her eyes search yours as she cups your face, you give her a smile as you lean into her touch and bring your arms around her waist. Your lips meet hers in a gentle kiss, her forehead rests against yours once she pulls away.

"Be careful detka(baby), please." she pleads

"I will be, Clints got my back." you reply, glancing over at him to see him giving you two thumbs up, "We're getting them back Tasha. We're getting her back. I promise, whatever it takes."

She nods before pulling you in for another kiss. This one fueled with more emotion than the last, "Whatever it takes. I love you so much"

"I love you too baby." You reply, hearing the machine begin to power up, "I'll see you in a minute"

The trek up the mountain was harder than you and Clint had anticipated, but finally you had reached the top. You had expected to be alone, however that was not the case.

"Welcome" You both turn, weapons drawn to face the creature who spoke, "Y/n, daughter of Edith. Clint, son of Edith" Your brother spares you a glance "You can consider me a guide. To you and to all who seek the soul stone"

"Oh good." you reply, "Tell us where it is and we'll be on our way"

You follow as he leads you to the cliffs edge not far from where you previously stood "What you seek lies in front of you. In order to take the stone you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul, for a soul."

The two of you ponder over his words, both pacing as you stare at the cliff. You understood him. You knew one of you must die to get the stone, afterall Thanos came here with his daughter and left alone. And now it appeared Clint would be doing the same.

You wanted nothing more than to return to Natasha. To hold her in your arms, tell her how everything would be ok and bring Wanda back. But you couldn't do that at the expense of your brother. His wife and children needed him, you couldn't do that to his family. Natasha and Wanda needed him too, he was their best friend and mentor. You couldn't do that to so many people.

You stop your pacing, and his by grabbing onto his hand. He quickly turns to you and can read your face like a book, "No. Don't you dare say it"

"Clint" you sigh, "Thanos left without his daughter. A soul for a soul. It's the only way"

"You don't know that! There has to be other options, other ways!" he shouts

You shake your head, "There isn't"

"Why not?! Because the floating shadow said so!?" he counters, "We don't even know if we can trust him!"

"Why would he lie?" you question, "He's the keeper of the stone. He has nothing to gain by withholding anything from us"

Your brother's brows furrow as he looks away into the distance of space. He's quiet for a few minutes trying to come to terms with the whole idea.

"If we don't do this, billions of people stay dead. Laura, Cooper, Lila, Nathaniel and Wanda among them"

Finally he looks back at you with tears in his eyes and nods before pulling you into a bone crushing hug, "Tell Laura I'm sorry. And make sure the kids don't hear about what I've done." he asks, "And tell them I love them"

You shake your head, "You'll tell them yourself"

His answer comes in the form of a gasp as your knee meets his gut, knocking the wind from him. You desperately run for the edge, glimpses of your two beloved redheads flash through your mind as you go, and you can't help but smile. This was for her, for Wanda.

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