"Aye," Truthfully, Alpha could pull him onto any island and he would know some wrench or man he had a history with. Charlie stood out from the crowd, either out of fear or curiosity. Even if he wanted to avoid people they were drawn to him. Thankfully Casworth had the one person that was least likely to stab him in the back.

"I did not know you had other friends Charlie."

"Well, I have been to many places, Alpha," Charlie said. He wished that Alpha would not question him further. He wasn't in the mood to answer these questions. But of course, Alpha was going to. Alpha was Alpha. Charlie wished that he could explain that she wasn't a friend, but something else... But he had a feeling that would make things worse. It wasn't particularly something he felt good about either.

"So? Who is this 'she'?"

"Her name is Piper," Charlie rubbed his arm. "She owns s-ship and owes me a favor. I'm sure she would love to come and help us. She is always looking for a-an adventure to go on."

Alpha's face twisted at the answer.

"Does she have a backstabbing crew?" Alpha hissed. Great, he had an attitude. It was understandable but annoying.

"No. She doesn't have a crew.... " Charlie explained carefully. It felt like he was talking to a bratty child. "Alpha, we don't have many options."

"Well perfect, we can just take it from her. This is our mission."

"I am not doing that. I am not pillaging a boat. It is not worth the risk, right? Al, she is a good person, trust me."

"She's human isn't she?" Alpha said. "This is such a stupid plan, Charles. I thought you wanted me to stay away from them."

Charlie winched. He knew how it sounded, Alpha was right. It was cruel to bring a human into this after Alpha has been hurt so badly by them. Hell, Charlie was hurt by them. But he couldn't think of any other plan.

"She is different..."

"Tsk," Alpha turned away. Charlie fought against walking away and just stared at the other's back. There was so little and so much he wanted to say.  "How does she feel about mermaids Charles? Has she said anything about-"

"Al... We have never talked about it. I don't know. I don't know everything about her," Charlie slowly approached him and lowered himself down next to him in the sand. He groaned internally in pain. "Listen, I'll ask her, and a-and if it turns out she is cruel, we will figure out something else. Your safety is my t-top priority. This is all we have right now Al. Trust me. I know that is hard t-to do... But please." 

Alpha's back shoulder shifted.

"You are right about our limited options," Alpha turned his head around. "If she said anything against my kind get the hell out of there."

Charlie nodded.  He was glad that the other settled. The future was uncertain but if they were going to accomplish anything they needed to work together. 

"She is going to kill me when she sees my hand," Charlie said. He waved his stub. 

"You mean your lack of a hand?"

"Yes, Alpha.."

"I won't let her," Alpha's hand was clenching at the sand.

"...It was a joke, Alpha. Besides, how would y-you get to her?"

Alpha flopped his tail in annoyance. Charlie wondered what it would be like when Piper and Alpha met. He couldn't imagine Alpha talking to anyone else but him. Heck, no one would want to listen to him.

"I would crawl on the sand to get to her if I had to. Then I would drag her down to the depths of the ocean," He smirked clenching his fist. "That does bring up the question of how I will come with you?"

Charlie, of course, did not plan to bring Alpha but he couldn't help at that moment think about it. He brushed it away. No, it was too risky. He was never good at using his powers and risking it on another being was reckless.

"Please just stay here. It won't be long." 

"Hmph, can't you just carry me?"

"Are you serious?" Charlie snapped. After everything that happened why would Alpha suggest that? Carrying Alpha in the middle of a town full of humans was asking for a death sentence. He took in a deep breath. " Wouldn't you dry out?"

"Well, I actually don't know. I have never been out of the water for a super long time.  I can breathe out of the water so maybe not? I am fine right now."

"You don't know? Why would you risk that? "

"A little trial and error never hurt anyone."

"YES! Yes, it has."

"Whatever," Alpha flicked his hand.

"How do you suggest you avoid those humans you hate so much?"

"Well, may I remind you that you are a lemon monster."

"Al, there is nothing valuable about my species! Yar human find my species digesting and scary."

"Pff you scary. Please," Charlie felt like his head was going to explode from the irony. "Humans are the digesting ones. Actually, yeah I don't want to be around them. Go ahead and go."

Charlie at those words pushed up collecting himself. He should leave now, going to the town at night was a bad idea. A sudden rush to his head caused his vision to black for a second and stumble. He eventually was able to focus on himself to be stable. He froze. What was going to happen if something happened to him? Would Alpha be ok?

"Alpha, are y-you going to be ok?" Charlie wheezed. 

"I'm fine Charlie. You're the one that needs to watch out. Like I said if you don't come back when the sun sets I will crawl to get you."

"Alpha I will! Heck, when I come back I will look even better. I'll get a hook hand or something."

"You do not have any money," Alpha glanced at his necklace. "Are you going to sell my scale?"

"No, I would never. Al remember, that even if I lost my ship, crew, and title as a captain I am still always a pirate at heart. I have no shame when it comes to theft."


"Ugh, I need a break from you." Charlie joked shaking his head.

"I hope her boat is low enough that I can crawl and jump on it so I can sit with you guys. I always wanted to ride on your ship with you," Alpha proclaimed. Charlie melted, that would be so cute. He looked down taking in the other. His blue tail seemed shinier than ever before and his blonde hair glowed. Alpha was more like an angel than a merman to Charlie.  Charlie felt his heart beat faster. He didn't deserve this. He really didn't deserve this. He should just join some other random pirate crew and be their new mascot. He should just leave completely and leave Alpha alone. If the seaman wanted to hunt him down later for that he didn't care. It wasn't safe with him. But he couldn't control himself and leaned down to grasp Alpha's webbed hand without warning giving it a light squeeze. The other squeezed back and smiled, it was short-lived as Charlie pulled away quickly.  "Please be careful, Charles. Even if you find our relationship awkward right now please remember we only got each other."

"I know," Charlie's face was flushed. "I'll bring a gift back for you ok?"

Alpha's eyes sparkled at the promise. " Be safe."

Charlie turned away and walked as fast as he could away.

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