Chapter Nine

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I revved my engine when I arrived. A signal that I knew would ease Eve if something had happened. I grabbed my bat, leaving my suitcase in my Lamborghini. I also grabbed my pink taser from my glove box. Which I quickly stashed in my back pocket. I could see the fuckheads car was still here which meant that he was as well. I headed around the side of the builing to a side door that Eve kept covered up usually. I had a key for this door in case of an emergency. I quietly opened the door and snuck through the kitchen with both hands gripping the bat. I could hear yelling coming from the front area. I put a compact mirror around the corner and could see Charlie had his back to me but was fast closing in on Eve with a fire poker. She had a bottle but was shaking so much that she was more likely to hurt herself than him. He was saying some horrendous things about me then he said something that made me furious. "I'm going to rip your insides out through that skank pussy of yours and fuck you after you rot". I felt like I was on fire. My anger burning more than ever. I had been trying to decide where to just tase him but now I had made up my mind. I moved faster than I had ever moved in my life. I swung the bat with all my strength  and it came down hard on Charlie's left knee. His leg instantly broke and he fell to the ground screaming in pain. I must have completely shattered his knee. I swung the bat again hitting his stomach which winded him and caused him to accidentally throw the poker across the room. I put the bat up to his nose "this is me going easy on you. Don't you dare ever fuck with us again". I stomped on his leg hard and he screamed in agony. "Got it?" I asked him before threatening to stomp again. "I've got it!" He screamed. Eve ran up to me and hugged me. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She shouted in relief. I hugged her tightly  "You had to know that Eve would take my side you douche bag" I told him. He looked up at me and spat on me. "Slut" he yelled angrily.


I thought Anna would swing that bat again and so I was surprised when she didn't. Instead she bent down on her knees and quietly said "Maybe I have acted like a slut but at least I treat women how they should be treated" I looked away and smiled when she said that. Anna grabbed him by the hair and began dragging him to the front door he tried to walk but with his broken leg it was more like a painful looking crawl. She unlocked the door and pushed him out. He screamed in pain as he landed hard on the broken leg. A tow truck and police vehicle were waiting outside. "I'm charging you for rape" Anna told him. "I'll be charging you for domestic abuse you shit" I added. Anna looked at me, her brow furrowed to which I shrugged.
The Tow Truck was towing his car and the police officer was following him to the hospital. She had decided that the broken leg was the result of self defence after I had told her what he had done to Anna and what he was planning to do to me. She took the bat as evidence and before she left she had said "I'll pretend I never saw that taser". Only then had I noticed that Anna had a taser sticking out of her back pocket. After they left I followed Anna out to her car. "You could have just incapacitated him with the taser and yet you chose to break his leg" I said aloud stating the obvious. "I heard what he said about the bottle and couldn't take it" she told me falling to her knees like the adrenaline was only now wearing off. I sat down next to her and we leant against the car. I rested my head on her shoulder. "You saved my life today" I told her only now coming to the realisation. "You save my life every day" she told me through a yawn. I didn't know what she meant and put it down to the adrenaline crash. We saw a flash come from the street. "Paparazzi" we said in unison. I took Anna's hands in my own and kissed her during which there was another flash. "Closet Smoset" I said and Anna started to laugh. She stopped and looked at me looking very serious. "Its not over yet Evie. You're still a target" she said solemnly. I grabbed her bag for her and took it to my own bedroom. It was far bigger than Anna's. Aftetall my family was far richer than Anna's. Her family wealth being around five hundred million. My own family wealth was in the tens of billions. "Where are all the staff?" Anna asked me all of a sudden realising we were home alone. "Charlie didn't like having other people around us so I let them all go". Anna looked at me with a raised brow. "Yeah I get it that was probably the first sign that something was majorly wrong with him" I told her before playfully throwing a pillow at her. She laughed and threw it back. "I really want a shower after what happened before babe" she told me. After what had happened I felt so dirty as well. "I'll join you", I said smiling.

Secrets Amongst FriendsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora