CH III: Part 1: New Friends

Start from the beginning

It had lines come from each tip and went back into wavy swirls

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It had lines come from each tip and went back into wavy swirls. He was slightly bigger than Nixx but was still a Pup himself. He even had a long tail with crossing blades at the end.  Nixx was a bit nervous when he came up to him. He stopped and was about a foot away from him. "Hi." He spoke. Nixx was surprised but still nervous. He said "H-Hi?" The other Pup said "You're the new Pup I heard about?" Nixx looks around and then says, "Yes I guess." The Other Pup then says "I am Infinite. Pleased to meet you."

"I am Nixx." Nixx replied. Infinite then smiles and says "Good name. Your Chosen Mother named you that?" Nixx only nods. He then looks over at the female that was like a smaller version of the Mother Zura putting together the 3D puzzle. Infinite saw this and says "I see you noticed Xzyra? Want to meet her?" Nixx replies "Sure." They walked over to Xzyra and Infinite says "Hey Xzyra! Meet the new Pup. His name is Nixx." Xzyra then looked up from her activity and looks over at Nixx. "Pleased to meet you." She had a really kind voice. Nixx smiles nervously and says "H-Hello." This was his first time ever talking, even with Xylowraith Pups like him. Xzyra does a cute giggle and says "Its ok to be nervous. We were all in the same position as you."

Infinite: "Yeah don't worry. We are all friends here!"

Nixx: "Ok. I just need to get used to this. Any way what this place is?"

Xzyra: "This is the Pup Care Hangar. All Pups are sent here to be taught and taken care of. While our Parents are away."

Nixx was confused and asked, "Away to do what?" Xzyra didn't mind him asking that, she knew he was new and needed to learn. "Why to do Missions of course. They always need to do something for the Xulkrilyte Military."
Nixx asks "Xulkrilyte Military?"
Infinite explains "Oh that is what the Keepers or Creators are called. Xulkrilytes. Named after the Mother World Xulkria. We are far from it, but we are told that we might return and see it someday." Nixx then looked around and asked "Then, what is this World called we are on?" Infinite just sat down and said "Oh this Planet? It's just a random Planet that they claimed as their own. They are planning on conquering this System."

Xzyra: "Yeah! This whole Planet and then this whole System and Galaxy will belong to us soon. After the Creators Cleanse it." Nixx was taking this all in and was now thinking about what it all meant. He then looked over at the other Pups talking with each other and were taking some glances at him. Nixx was not sure about them. Xzyra saw this and said "Don't worry about them. They were like that when we first arrived. You will fit in; I can promise you that." Nixx finally asked "If the Creators made us, then why do we not look like them?" Infinite and Xzyra were silent at first, then they looked at each other for a moment. Nixx was afraid he said something wrong.

Infinite said "Not sure. It's just that... Maybe we are meant to look different from them and be our own selves. Yet, we are made to serve them as their War Beasts they say." Nixx says "War Beasts?" Xzyra "Yeah. We are destined to become great and powerful Warriors some day and help Cleanse the Universes." Nixx was surprised to hear all this. He guessed that meant that he was going to grow up eventually and become as big as Zura or Galvik. If his future was meant to be like that. He then said "But how? How are we going to grow up and become great Warriors?" He knew he was asking a lot of questions, but he felt like he needed to know. Infinite says "We are meant to be very powerful Beings. We are made in the heart of Stars! I was, Xzyra was, and you were also made or should I say forged from the heart of a Star."

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