Chapter 18: Restlessness

Start from the beginning

"What's up?" I asked, envying his confidence. He started chuckling. "What's so funny, chuckles?" I chuckled along.

"Are you insecure?"

"I don't know what you mean" I said, though I had a feeling I knew what he meant, for reals.

"So you took your shirt off and then you quickly put it back on. And the thought occurred to me."

"Hmm...well..." I took a loud breath. "Why are you putting me on the spot?" I suddenly asked without even meaning to.

"I'm not trying to but sometimes I feel you lack confidence in yourself, which begs the question because you've modeled before."

"Yeah, I was mostly covered and the only time I ever had to be half-naked was when I model for your mom. I feel safer there."

"I'm not trying to make you feel uncomfortable but I do want to see you gain more confidence in yourself. I care too much about you to see you feel self-conscious about yourself or your body. I've seen what that type of insecurity does to people."

"I get it and I appreciate you for looking out for me, and for caring the way you do." He then tried lifting my shirt off but I hesitated and stopped him. "No, please."

"It's okay. This is a safe place and as I said, I want you to step out of your comfort zone and for you to gain more confidence, inside and out."

He continued and I closed my eyes as he lifted my shirt and then finished the rest off myself.

Standing in front of him, I felt small. He was well built and while I was in shape and built myself, I felt inferior standing next to him.

"I envy your confidence" I suddenly regretted my words. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that.
"No, it's okay. I know you didn't mean it in a bad way."

"There's no malice behind my words. Since day one I've cared for and loved you so much that I've grown scared of losing you."

"But you know that's never going to happen, right?"

"I know but...oh never mind. I just yammer when I'm nervous. But my point here is that I wish I was as confident as you are but even though my upbringing was not a bad one, the last few years since my dad died, as you know, things weren't so great."

"I get it. Your brother and dad are gone and I get you could have still used your dad's guidance but you have me, you have Louai, my mom, and especially my dad."

"I know I do and I'm sorry if it seems like I don't trust you guys because I do. But I'm not always confident when it comes to opening up to others."

Then my phone beeped and it was Cielo, saying Yes about tonight.

"Who's that?"

"It's Cielo. I asked her out on a date for tonight and she said yes."

"Woah, and this coming from the boy with no confidence?" he smirked.

"Okay, I may not be the most confident in some areas but I've usually always had enough confidence asking a girl out but only if I've known her a bit."

"I suppose this is a good step in that direction. Now come on, let's tell my parents so they can know you're getting it" he motioned for me to follow him and the moment I tried to grab my tank top, he made sure I did and so I followed him.

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