Author's Note

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The Opening is the only exception here, although Chapter 1 is in consideration, but all future chapters will only be released once the entire rest of the story is completed.
But don't expect that to be soon:
I'm still only on Chapter 1 as of writing this, but I plan for at least 20 total; probably with more. And this isn't counting if I'm going to include everything, which would easily reach over 1000.

If the Opening gets enough traction; say... 1000 views and 10 votes, or top-20 in any 1k+ stories category, I'll use this as the updates page for what chapters are completed; possibly with Chapter Names as well, and focus on production of this far more than just the side hobby it currently is.

Get top-5 in a big category, and I'll even publish chapters as they're finished.

If the latter is reached, this page will  be deleted when Chapter 1 is published.

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