OP. "Where... Am I?"

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Project T4NZ4N1T3 was to be created in order to contain an Eldritch Deity which was affected by an Anomaly, with the aim of containing it until the end of time.

With countless sub-projects going into the research, T4NZ4N1T3 was to act as the material prison for the uncontrollable calamity.

The mentioned "Anomaly" is unexplainable by nearly all scientific reasoning, and even the methods that do explain it leave a mass of questions that still can't be consistently answered.

Although it took years to perfect, T4NZ4N1T3 had miraculously proven successful on the first attempt, and that day was now the start of a new era.


The Anomaly affected everything on a scale unknown and unparalleled, and the world experienced signs of Magic, and sightings of scientifically impossible "Monsters".
How the laws of physics were changed, is far from known. But it was accepted worldwide as the new norm within hours.
turns out, a lot of people wanted this.

With Magic being the new focus of almost all research, the T4NZ4N1T3 Project was terminated, and the facility was repurposed some months later, as the test target for a prototype "Scroll", called Disintegrate.
And it annihilated everything in an instant...

Or so it seemed.

Behind the dust and ash, Project T4NZ4N1T3 was the only survivor.
Unnamed and without aim, it had nowhere to look too, nowhere to call home, and nowhere to hide... so it never left the crater where once stood its birthplace.


As time passed by the millennia, the body of T4NZ4N1T3 slowly became that of a Slime Monster instead of a Symbiote, passively adapting to the ever-growing Ambient Mana in the air.
Though countless years passed, its sentient nature evolved into one of sapience; and for the first time, it moved, and left the crater which it had called home for so long.

T4NZ4N1T3: "Where... am I?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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