part six American Union state girl part 3

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Aus:hey y/n Can you come with me for a second I want to show you something

Y/n: oh ok

Y/n follows aus to with us so we can keep their equipment at

Y/n: so why did you want me to follow you for some reason

Aus she sits on one of the boxes while she's drinking a cup of tea

Aus she sits on one of the boxes while she's drinking a cup of tea

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Y/n blushing

Aus: you can make me yours you're the only king for me


Before y/n can say anything usa walks in on the American union state and y/n

USA: hey I was gonna do that with my soldier
Y/n: wait what

Aus: don't you mean boyfriend

USA: he's not my boyfriend he's just a very close friend with benefits

Aus: that is exactly what a boyfriend is a person to love and cherish

Usa: good point

Aus: how about we let y/n decide who he going to love

Usa: that's a good idea so who do you choose y/n me or the traitor

Y/n: I choose both of you

USA and AUS: wait what

Y/n: I love you both you're both beautiful women

USA and AUS blushing

Aus: oh I never knew you suck at this like that love

Usa: me either

Y/n: but on one condition

Aus: what is it

Y/n: you two have to share me got it

USA : OK we will share you

Aus:I guess that means you have two girlfriends now

Y/n: yeah I guess so

USA and aus: now that we can share you we're gonna do something we're going to enjoy love

Y/n: wait what

USA and aus: I hope you're ready

Y/n: i'm screwed

Two hours of unholiness later

Aus: that was amazing

Usa: yeah it was How about you y/n did you enjoy it

Y/n:I can't feel anything under my chest

Aus: I take that as a yes


With Dave's friends

Dave: I bet you 20 bucks you cannot make a American Union Street sold you your friend

Joey:oh it's on

The girl on the left her name is Matilda

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The girl on the left her name is Matilda

And the girl on the right her name is Jane

Now Back to the story

Matilda: I just noticed what happened to USA aus and y/n

Jane: I don't know but we should go look for them

Matilda: that's a good idea

Later Matilda and Jane find y/n on the ground with his clothes off as the same for
Aus and usa

Matilda: looks like you guys had a good time

USA: yeah we did want to join what we're doing to

Matilda and Jane: yeah

Y/n: well I'm screwed

Four hours of unholiness later

Y/n: I can't feel anything

Words 473

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