Secret Feelings part 8

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"Let me go put on a shirt I don't care about so I don't ruin this one."

Your grab a white shirt with the faded logo for the movie A Clockwork Orange on it.

"Why did I agree to this again?" You ask walking back into the bathroom.

"We had a deal if I let you pick out the record we listened to you would let me dye your hair." Nikki says excitedly.

"Are you sure I said that and I didn't say let's not dye my hair at all?" You say sarcastically.

"Sit." Nikki says pointing at the edge of the shower impersonating you from earlier.

"Oh my god- are you sure you know what your doing now that you watched me do your hair?" You asked concerned.

"I'm sure." Nikki says confidently.

Nikki starts to paint your hair the same way you did to his.

"Your not doing to bad." You say


"Yeah." You say as Nikki smiles.

After a while of sitting and black hair dye staining your clothes and the shower Nikki was finally finished.

"I think your done." Nikki says.

"You did a good job." You say giving Nikki a kiss on a cheek.

"You can can go ahead and wash it out now." You say.

"Okay." Nikki says with a dopey smile on his face while he blushes.

Once Nikki hops in the shower you decide to be a little mean. You walk into the kitchen and rummage through all the cabinets until you find a large bowl. You grab ice from the freezer and fill the bowl with water. Once that's done you slowly walk back to the bathroom making sure to not spill any water. Being as quiet as you can you step on the side of the shower and dump the cold water on top Nikki.


You die of laughter as you lay on the floor holding your stomach.

"Oh is this funny to you!" You laughs as he throws water on you.

"you so entertained aren't you?" Nikki says stepping out of the shower.

"Get in there it's your turn now." Nikki says.

You step in the shower and begin to massage you hair washing all of the dye out of your hair, your about halfway done washing all of it out of your hair you freeze as water and ice fall on top of you.


"You did it to me it's only fair I do it to you!" Nikki laughs

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