Secret Feelings Pt 5

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"What should I where, I DONT KNOW WHAT TO WEAR!" You yell to your friend.

It's the day after you called Nikki back and both confessed your feelings for one another and now your trying to pack an overnight bag and figure out what to where.

"Should I where is top?" You ask holding up a red top that you can't really decide if it's a bikini or a crop top.

"Y/n what the hell is that your not going swimming or going to a strip club anytime soon." Your friend replies.

"Then what the fuck am I supposed to wear?"

"Move let me see this." Your friend says as she starts rummaging through you closet and dresser.

"Try wearing something casual, if a guy is really into you he's gonna love seeing you in just a t-shirt and short or just pajamas trust me."

"Well you can pick it out for me cause I have no clue what I'm doing. You say.

"I'm already on it." Your friend says.

"Wait when are you and Tommy gonna hang out, didn't you tell me you got his number?" You ask.

"Yeah we're also hanging out tonight, he's coming to my place so you and Nikki can have the place to yourselves." Your friend says.


"I think this should do." Your friend says throwing the clothes she picked out for you."

You friend threw you a shirt with the album cover for Judas priests British steel with some acid wash shorts and some converse.

"That's it, there's nothing else I need to wear?"

"I mean take your regular black zip up jacket so you don't get cold and wear your regular stud earrings and a necklace if you want, but yeah that's it."

"Mhm." You nod.

"Did you finish packing everything?"

"Yeah I just need my pajamas there on top of the dryer since I washed them last night." You say.

"Imma go get those for you, hurry and put on your outfit you don't wanna be late." Your friend encourages.

You put on the outfit, then look in the mirror and try to mentally prepare yourself before your friend rudely interrupts you.

"Hey y/n where does the guy even live."

"I have clue he didn't tell me his address, god dammit I have to call him back again." You say frustrated.

You play the answering machine back and dial Nikki's number again.

After a few rings a male voice that's not Nikki answers.


"Who's this?" You ask.

"This is Tommy Lee."

"Do you know where Nikki is by any chance?"

"Are you the girl that Nikki is supposed to have over today?" Tommy asks.

"Yeah that's the thing I don't have the address?"

"Oh it's right up the street from the sunset strip you should see an apartment with the number 1124 and that's us, oh and by the way I've never seen this place so clean I don't what's happened to him but he's cleaned the whole place... well tried and he's now in the bathroom trying to clean himself up." Tommy says.

"Alright well thanks for the address I should be down there in not to long and my friend is coming to pick you up too."

"Alright sweet see you two then." Tommy says as he hangs up to phone.

"We ready to go?" your friend asks.

"Yes we are." You says confidently.

"You got the address so we can actually get there?"

"Yeah I got it let's go."

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