Secret Feelings Pt 6

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"Is this it?" Your friend asks.

"1124 yep this is it!" You say excitedly.

The two of you get out of the approaching the dirty looking apartment.

"Who's knocking?" You ask.

"You I'm not touching that dirty door." Your friend says.

You knock twice to no answer so you knock even harder still to no answer, you finally go to knock one more time and right as you do Tommy answers.

"Hey you guys made it!" Tommy says enthusiastically.

"Nikki's either in the bathroom or bedroom I don't really know but he's somewhere around here, you two can come in."

You walk in the decent looking apartment. It's not the cleanest but not the worst you've ever seen. Green carpet with questionable brown stains on it, beer cans on the counter, what looks to be a ham sandwich that was also left out on the counter for a while.

You turn around to see your friend still standing outside.

"You coming in?" You and Tommy ask.

"Um... I think I'll just wait outside for you to get your stuff Tommy." Your friend tried to say in the nicest way possible.

"Imma go get my stuff then I'll be right back." Tommy says.

You slowly walk further into the apartment as Tommy happily walks past you with his stuff as your friend says bye to you and they both leave.

The apartment it silent, like the silence is loud silent. You walk down the hall peering into the doorway of a bedroom. You assume it's Nikki's bedroom since you see the pants and shirt he was wearing at the show on the floor.

You walk in and set your stuff by the dresser before you feel a hand on your shoulder. You freeze and tense up.

"I didn't know you were here already." Nikki says.

You turn around to see him standing there shirtless with just leather pants on. It takes you a second to actually form words due to the fact of what he's wearing or the lack there of.

"You just scared the shit out of me." You say.

"Sorry sweetheart I didn't mean to startle you." Nikki says with a smirk.

"So since your here now what do you wanna do?"

"I don't know you can pick." You say.

"Want me to teach you a song on the bass?"

"I would love that!" You say excitedly.

Nikki grabs his bass out of the case that was sitting in the corner and sits on his bed.

"Sit." Nikki says motioning to his lap.

You sit on his lap while Nikki helps  you place your fingers on the right frets and shows you how to strum the bass.

You begin to play and Nikki just sits and smiles as he watches you play the whole song.

"You did amazing." Nikki says.

"What song was that? You ask.

"It's a song called starry eyes I wrote not to long ago it reminds me of you." He says.

"Really?" You say as you stare into Nikki's eyes.

"Yes really." He says.

You both just stare into each other's eyes and you subtly and quickly look at Nikki's lips. You then get up and walk to the kitchen.

"You can't just look at my lips and not kiss me!" Nikki yells.

"Oh but I can." You say with a snarky attitude.

"Come here." Nikki laughs as he gets up to come after you.

You reach up into the top cabinet to get some chips, Nikki comes up behind and puts your arms on your waist and wraps his arms around you.

"Let me go I'm hungry!" You laugh.

"Nope your mine." Nikki says with a big grin on his face.

"Your coming with me."

"Well can you at least grab the Doritos for me please?" You ask.

"If you give me a kiss I will." He says.

"Fine." You laugh as your bring his face to yours.

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