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"That was insane!" Nikki says as you both walk through the door of his apartment.

"Yeah but now the guy has to go to the hospital since he drunkenly decided to jump on a table to break it." You respond.

"Well I thought it was pretty cool." You roll your eyes to his reaction.

"Well I think I'm gonna go lay down, you coming?"Nikki asks.

"In a Little Bit im going to take a shower first."

"Okay baby." Nikki says before he kisses you on forehead.

You walk into the bathroom, close the door and turn on the water.

You adjust the water to the right temperature and get in. The door to the bathroom opens and you see a shadow through the shower curtain.

"Nikki?" You ask.

"Nikki Sixx I swear to god you better not be trying to scare me!"

It goes silent for a minute.

"RAAAAA!!!" Nikki screams as he pulls back the shower curtain causing jump back and scream, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" You say clearly upset.

Nikki see's how upset you are.

"I'm sorry love I didn't mean to scare you that bad, I just wanted have some fun."

You look at Nikki with a disgusted look on your face.

"I said I'm sorry!" Nikki says with his puppy eyes.

"Can I join you in there?"

"Are you horny?" You ask.


"Jesus Christ get in here." You laugh

Nikki gets in the shower with you and splash's water on you.

"That's my eye!"

"Oh it's just water you baby at least it's not shampoo." He says

You roll your eyes. You turn towards the shower head and finish washing your hair and body. Nikki starts to giggle.

"What are you laughing at?" you ask confused.

"Hehe boobs." Nikki says as he pokes them.

"Your such a child" you say.

"Can have a kiss?" Nikki says in his baby voice.

"Nikki your horny you don't just want a kiss you want to make out  don't you." 

"Mhm." Nikki says with a big grin on his face.

"Come here." You saying bringing his face to yours as you lips connect.

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