Chapter 1: The Revenge Of The Sith

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Anakin quickly breaks the lock and swipes his blade at Obi-Wan's legs but is swiftly dodged as the jedi master leaps backwards off the river platform onto the top of the nearby river bank. Obi-Wan glares at Anakin with a newfound confidence in his expression, quickly catching his breath before announcing his advantage "It's over Anakin! I have the high ground"

The air above the lava river is filled with smoke, black fog surrounds the two former brothers in arms. Anakin stares down his former master with the ever growing rage in his spirit, reflecting on how the Jedi Order poisoned his mind, took him from one master and placed him under another and ignored his accomplishments in a war started by their arrogance. Obi-Wan did nothing when the council mocked him to his face by refusing him the rank of master as if his reputation as a jedi hero meant nothing yet he stands there now declaring how much he has failed Anakin and how his 'turn to the dark side' has doomed the force itself. More and more, his eyes burn with the fiery gold of the dark side's influence as his suppressed hate for Obi Wan breaks free and fills his heart.

"You underestimate my power" Anakin shouts as he channels the force throughout his body down to his foot bottoms, up to now he could've very well been subconsciously holding back but no longer. His mind is clear and he's decided that he'll ensure the death of the Jedi Order that has caused him and the galaxy so much turmoil, he's already opened up about how he views the Jedi as evil and he's ready to fully embrace that view, Obi-Wan dies today, he WILL meet his end on this scorching planet, and nothing will stop him from seeing to that. Anakin was told over and over that he is destined to bring Balance to the force and that's exactly what he plans to do.

 Anakin was told over and over that he is destined to bring Balance to the force and that's exactly what he plans to do

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"Don't try it" Obi-Wan threatens as he grips his lightsaber with both hands, eager to end this painful duel once and for all, perhaps the prophecy was wrong, either way, he must put down Anakin or else the galaxy is doomed, he doesn't know what happened in Master Yoda's duel with Palpatine but he can still sense a noticeable light side presence in the force, perhaps the Grandmaster won? Either way, he has to end his fight with Anakin here and now if he expects to find out what happened to Yoda.

Obi-Wan tenses and focused his force energy as Anakin screams and jumps from his footing, the force from his jump shattering the platform into pieces Obi-Wan quickly times his strike and swings his blade towards Anakin's limbs but is swiftly countered by a split second mid air saber strike from Anakin's own blade, the force of Skywalker's strike throws off Obi-Wan's aim just enough for his saber to slip off from the clash, causing the jedi to lose his balance in his upper body and nearly trip down the riverbank. Anakin swiftly lands behind his former master and drives his saber toward his master without facing him "It's over Obi-Wan" he says in confidence as his blade pierces through Kenobi's torso, exiting through his chest.

As quickly as the lightsaber entered, Anakin rips it from Kenobi's torso as his former master's lifeless corpse falls to the ground, Anakin's expression turns blank as he looks down on the one who was once his master, it's finished, his last set of chains to the Jedi Order have been severed. He force pulls the fallen Jedi's lightsaber to his free hand before deactivating his own saber and holstering the both of them. Anakin gently rests his foot on Kenobi's corpse before kicking it down towards the river till it falls to the very edge. Before long the proximity to the lava inflames Kenobi's corpse, slowly burning it to a crisp, Anakin stands still and continues to stare at the dead man who was once his comrade and partner as his corpse slowly transitions into a pile of ash. His eyes still glowing with the fiery burn of Sith yellow, albeit not quite as bright as it was a few minutes ago. Anakin slowly raises his head and gazes at the darkened atmosphere of Mustafar with a pair of tears streaming down his face. Anakin roars out in sorrow, rage and anguish, disturbed by the recent shift in his life, all this death and pain, why did his life turn out this way, it was their fault, the Jedi, the Sith, the corrupt Republic and it's senato-Padme!

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