I can Hear You. Now Come to me

Comincia dall'inizio

(Sorry slacket life chan you again won't be winning)
(Rip slacker life Cale found new hubby)

'i have always been so different normal rules did not apply'

Cale ran farther into the cave. Colors that represented his ancient powers followed him.

(Bet he is running on adrenaline ain't no way Cale can run fast)

'Is this the day? are you the way? I finally found out why?'

Cale runs till he stops at blocks of ice blacks his path.

The colors gather on the ice and explode it!


Yes Cale No longer fears.
At first although he didn't admit it he was scared that he would get caught again..

He was scared that he would get his ancient powers and then get caught and have them taken away again by that weird GoD

Yes Weird. His was weird. It never had that soothing melody his voice always had when he was talking to Cale.

Cale noticed that even Cage did not have the melody when talking to GoD.

It was just a voice.

He thought about it.

When Jack came barging in saying he got a message from the Sun Goddess Angelina

Jack said He didn't understand the message but angelina said I would.

Angelina answered my question saying. Gods can have favorites which can be told from the sound of the voice. One a god chooses a favorite they can not change it.

Thats why he thought the GoD was weird or fake.

Besides that he was afraid to face his children. After a long thinking he remember them looking at eachother looking guilty multiple times.

He can't believe his children.
They knew what was happening was wrong yet they let it and enjoyed and enforced it.

(So much anger towards the people here Im making them worse- or am I? Idk Im blinded by hatred to these people)

Cale sighs


'You are the answer i'm waiting for all of my life~'

'Oh, show yourself!'

'Let me see who you are~!.

Yes all this time Cale has been looking for the ancient powers. So These idiots need to show themselves!

Cale stops at a blockade of ice blocking his path.
The colors all go to the ice and bam it explodes!

Cale jumps below him is a pit

(Okay on a serious note I could of finished this yesterday but I kid you not I forget what pit is and none of the other words I thought of really fit. Fml😔)

But Rock Steps appear where his fit landed

After he got across the ravine.

He went into a cave


(Sorry I am very hyper)
(Also school field trip tommorow and we stay over for one night FML I hate my classmates they are so annoying and your telling me I have to spend a night in the same CABIN AND CAR!)

(Im Sorry I keep ranting-)

'come to me now'

Cales fire ancient power appears and to his surprise White stars fire ancient power appears to

I Am Cale HenituseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora