Chapter 7

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The Henderson duchy is known for its collection of rare and beautiful plants. Melody loved plants so as to make things more comfortable for her. Vincent hired different gardeners to plant the most beautiful and exquisite flowers. But it went unnoticed by Melody who never for one day went out to admire the garden. She just stayed in her room avoiding Veronica and Vincent till the day she died.

"My lady would you like more tea"

"Yes I would"

A maid pours tea in a cup and sets it done on the table. It smells lovely, if this is the life of a noble lady I have no complaints. I could enjoy living like this for a while. I stand up and straighten my gown.

"My lady are you going somewhere?"

"I'm just going out for a walk''

I wander around the duchy's gardens. It's a really beautiful place. Roses and other lovely flowers are everywhere. The sun is especially beautiful today. This really does  looks like a place straight out of a fairytale. If I can avoid my banishment this might be a good place to live out the rest of my days in peace. 
My thoughts are interrupted by  childlike laughter. There aren't any children on the duchy. Veronica was an only child she didn't have any siblings. But the laughter continued echoing all over the place. I look around me but I can't see anyone nearby. I walk around searching for the kids making the noise. But I don't see anyone around. I'm almost beginning to think I'm hallucinating but the laughter I'm hearing sounds real enough. I try my best to follow the laughter going in between hedges and bushes. Till i find them. Two children sitting under a tree playing and laughing. I can't see their faces properly.

"Hey promise me that you won't leave me" A girl's voice floats through the air.

"I promise I promise okay. You're someone special to me. I'll always be on your side" Another voice replies her, this one sounds like a small boy

"You'd better keep your word"

"I will !! Now let's go inside I'm sure the maids are worried about us"

"Awww I don't want to go just yet"

"Come on you'll get in trouble if you don't go back"

"Mmmph! You're no fun"

"I'm heading back now if you don't hurry I'll eat your share of the cake"

"Huh! Wait up!! Damien you're such a meanie!!!"

Wait did she just call him Damien!!! I run out hoping to catch a glimpse of the two children. But I'm moving unusually slow. It takes time for the words to leave my throat.

"Hey! Wait!!"

The two children turn around and look at me. The sunlight is blocking me from seeing them clearly. Ugh! My legs won't move any faster. I tripped over something and fall down. I turn around to see what caused me to fall but I don't see anything.  I look back at the two children who have since turned their backs to me and resumed running away.

"Lady Veronica!!!"

I look behind me, I can't see anything nearby so who was it that called me. It sounded like Hermione. I try to stand up but I buckle and sway. I collapse to the ground again. My head hurts and my skin feels itchy. I look down at my skin only to see red blotches all over my arms. My entire body feels irritated
I'm furiously scratching my arms and legs but the irritation won't go away. I try once again to stand up but fall down again.

My chest hurts and I start coughing almost like I'm trying to spit something out. Like something is lodged to my throat and isn't letting me breathe

I'm rolling to and fro on the grass. The irritation is getting worse and my coughing won't let me breathe. The pain I'm feeling only gets worse as my vision is tainted with red splotches.

A Villain In Red Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant