Chapter 6

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They look like the perfect couple. The main characters in Mischievous Nobles that got their picture perfect ending while Veronica is banished to suffer in the dark. Veronica could never compare to the delicate and sweet Charlotte. Veronica had power, money and fame. But no matter how hard she competed and fought for Damien's love. Charlotte was simply a more lovable character that struck everyone's heartstrings.
Charlotte Sliverline is the first daughter of a fallen Marquis. In terms of status even the most lowly of the maids are above her. Charlotte was a weak character who fell victim to Veronica's merciless bullying. She often had to rely on the male leads for protection. That was until The Hunting games arc where she awakened her mana and became able to summon spirits. After becoming a spirit type mage she was able to gain some ground in noble society and Veronica wasn't able to bully her anymore at least not without her reputation dropping. Seeing her here and now feels like a distance dream. My chest is filled with different emotions each of them running wild. All eyes on were on them, Charlotte always did have a knack for taking the spotlight. My chest is pounding, what is this feeling in my heart. My head is throbbing, I can't hear anything else. "Die" My body is moving on its own, I can't control it. I walk over to Damien and Charlotte and glare at them both. Damien sees me but ignores me. I turn my attention to Charlotte and glare at her. She senses my gaze and clings tighter onto Damien. "Disgusting" The Crown prince steps between me and Charlotte and stares me down. I can hear the nobles around me whisper and shriek. I don't know what's going on but I'm too fixated on what's infront of me to care. My throat feels heavy and I can't get any words out. Charlotte begins to sway from side to side. The staring contest between the Crown prince and I is temporarily broken as we both focus on Charlotte. "What a drama queen I'm sure she's just doing it for attention" She falls to her knees and Damien rushes to her side. I can't make out what he's saying but he's clearly worried about her. Charlotte starts coughing. Some servants run around trying to get her water. As she's drinking the water Damien keeps glaring at me, A strange gurgling choking sound comes from Charlotte as she throws up a large amount of blood. The crown prince carries Charlotte in his arms. The pounding in my heart and chest worsen. I can't hear anything around me. My vision is fading. Black spots cloud my vision. My heart is pounding. It feels like it's about to jump out of my chest. I feel like my entire body is on fire. My skin feels like it's being engulfed by flames. Damien looking at me with complete disgust and hatred is the last thing I see before everything turns black.

My eyelids feel heavy. I'm lying down but I don't know where. The last thing I remember is being at the ball when Charlotte and Damien showed up. Is the ball over? But I can't recall it ending. I don't remember past when the both of them entering the room I'm trying to open my eyes but I can't. I'm so tired and exhausted. Can I call for help? Will anyone hear me? My throat feels dry and raspy. I can't produce any sound. I can't just lie about forever. I want to move but my body just won't obey me. I try once again to open my eyes. The room I'm in is dark except for the pale moonlight light flooding in from the window. It's already night, just what exactly happened. It was around midday when I went to the ball. I try to get up but fail. I push myself up one final time mustering every last bit of strength I have left. My muscles ache and burn signalling me to stop but I continue until I've sat upright on the bed. I'm in the room I woke up in. How did I get here? What happened at the ball? Why can't I recall anything? My hands fly to my neck. It's wrapped up in cloth. Did I get injured? But how? I take a good look at my self in the dim light. My left arm and right hand are also bandaged. How did I end up like this?
I lay back down on the bed trying to remember how I got here. My memories are all hazy and nothing particular is coming to mind.

My thoughts are briefly interrupted by the door opening. A maid with short auburn holding a small lantern peeks her head through the door. She looks at me as if debating if she should or should not to talk to me. Veronica wasn't exactly a favorite amongst her maids or any of the Everblade butlers. She didn't necessarily bully them nor was she exactly pleasant to be around. She paid no mind to the help and they in turn didn't acknowledge her. They only loyalty or sense of duty they had was to see to her needs and nothing else. A sharp contrast to this game's heroine. Charlotte was different from her in that sense. All the palace maids loved her and they all admired her. They adored her and always looked out for her. Making it difficult for Veronica to attack her when she was in the Palace. Another mindless ploy to show that Charlotte was kinder and better than Veronica. A stereotypical Mary Sue with no flaws whatsoever.

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