>>>< 47 ><<<

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>>>< Something Is Very Wrong ><<<

We passed the school, and Ashlyn turned. There were cars we had to swerve around, as well as a giant cliff to one side. Like that isn't dangerous at all.

"What the-!" Ashlyn swerved, nearly throwing us over the cliff's edge. "What was that for??"
"There was a giant tree root in the road-?"
"That's strange... this road is usually well-maintained."

There was a bump as the Jeep went over something, scaring all of us for a moment.
"Are you sure this is the right road?"
"I'm positive... but there were never roots in the way."

Logan stuck his head out of the window, looking around. "Ah! yeah, there's the gas station we usually...pass?"

He trailed off as we passed the old building, which was completely covered in foliage. 
"That's.... not a good sign."
"This is getting uncomfortable... maybe we should find a different road-"

All of a sudden Ashlyn floored the gas pedal, her hands shaking.
"Hey-! What's with the sudden speed??"
"Going this fast next to a cliff isn't your brightest idea, Ash!" I spoke nervously as I looked out the window to the long fall.

"Ashlyn, what are you doing?"
"...Ashlyn. what's up...?"

Her voice trembled and shook when she spoke, "Something... there was something in the trees."
"What happened to the road??"
Tyler obviously felt the same nerve-wracking feeling I did. "Ashlyn, we should turn back! Something obviously isn't right-"

"-We cant!"
"Why not?!"
"Because.. it's right behind us."

I turned around, seeing giant, spider-like legs chasing us. And it was catching up.

word count: 238

Aiden x Reader  |  School Bus GraveyardWhere stories live. Discover now