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>>>< Late Night Bus Trip ><<<

The seven of us lounged around the bus, Tyler handing Ben the instrument. "Here. You still remember the chords, right? Do I need to go over them one more time?"

Ashlyn stared Tyler down, clearly unsettling him. "...what?"
"...You've become less of a jerk lately."
"Was that supposed to be a compliment?"
"I guess. It was nice of you to teach him how to play Happy Birthday since he couldn't sing it. You didn't seem like the type to play guitar."
"...I'm not, but I do know a few songs our dad taught us. Happy Birthday just happened to be one of em. Anyway, how much time is left?"
"Um.. about 2 minutes."

Everyone was quiet for a moment. "We're still going into town tonight, right?" "Yeah, since that's what Logan suggested we do."

Logan was resting in a tire, Ashlyn was sitting by herself, Taylor and Tyler were leaning against each other, Aiden had his head lying in my lap, my hands tangled in his hair. He was sprawled across multiple seats with his legs on Ben, and everything was peaceful.

But something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong. Something was extremely wrong. Something bad was about to happen. Something awful was coming up. Something big was about to change, and everything would forever be different. Something that would forever haunt my memories and hurt me until the day I die.

But I ignored that gut feeling. And suddenly we were in the phantom dimension.

"Was that the rest of the backup supplies?"
"Then we're good to go."

Everyone except for Aiden climbed into the Jeep, Ashlyn claiming the driver's seat. "Everyone have their lights ready?" We nodded, and Ashlyn turned to the blonde.

"Alright, you know what to do, right? Close the gate after we're out and then run to-"
"-to the other door. Wait for you to honk, and then bolt for the Jeep. I got it, don't worry."
"...okay. Be careful."

I shot him a concerned look from my cramped spot. My nerves were still there, that something was going to go wrong. Still, I ignored them, as Ashlyn pressed on the gas and the Jeep jolted to life. We went around the building, and Aiden jumped into the Jeep.

Ashlyn made it to the road, barking out orders and questions. "Are they following?"
"Y-yeah, but they aren't keeping up."
"Okay Logan, we're driving about two hours out, right? To the next town?"
"Yes. Me and my grandparents go there often to the antique shops, so I'm familiar with the location and how to get there. I'm not sure if it'll be far enough away, but I think it's a good place for us to start off."

Time passed slowly and in silence, before Aiden eventually broke it. "Ashlyn, it's been thirty minutes of silence, can I please play some music or something?"
"No, Aiden. We need to stay focused." Logan spoke more directions next.
"Once you pass the school, you'll take a right."

The lack of phantoms was strange, and though I wasn't complaining, I hadn't seen a single one.

Again, the feeling that something was seriously wrong came back. It was repetitive, and this time, stronger then any other.

If only I knew.

word count: 514

Aiden x Reader  |  School Bus GraveyardTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon