[soobin] • bread

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Your morning began beautifully. You had woken up in the best mood. You were even met with a promotion. Generally, everything just went well for you and you were happy about that because it was setting up your mood for when you go see your boyfriend.

You wanted a simple snack time with him. He loved bread so you thought you'd stop over what he said was his favorite bakery. To be frank, you also loved the bread there so you were a regular in the store.

When you went in, you immediately spotted the milk bread that you and your boyfriend enjoyed, but there was only one wrap left. You were on your way to getting it when you hand met someone else's hand because they also reached for the bread.

"Oh, you can take it." You said to the man. You were with heavy feelings though, because you wanted that bread.

"No, it's fine." He smiled shyly. "I can just get another." He continued.

You smiled at him, feeling a little guilty but still wanting the bread.

"Okay then, if you insist, then I'll take it." You gently took the bread from the shelf and went towards the counter to pay for it.

After that, you gave the man another small smile, "Thank you again!" You said to him as you were exiting the bakery. He smiled back at you, then continued looking through the bread choices.

You, on the other hand, went to your boyfriend's workplace. You were excited to have this small moment with him because this was his break time, and he usually spent it with you up until three months ago, when he started getting busy.

You would usually wait for your boyfriend outside his building, but for some reason, he wasn't coming out despite it being his break time.

You then sent him a message, "Hey, have you eaten?" You asked him with concern. Nothing else lingered in your mind, you were simply concerned about whether or not he has had food or not.

"I'm at the restaurant near our building. I'm eating right now." You thought that the reply was quite quick, but he always replied quickly so it wasn't something that stood out to you. Upon knowing that he was already eating, you thought that maybe their break time was moved to an earlier time.

You just looked at the bread box you had in hand. You would have loved to eat them with him right now, so you were quite disappointed that you didn't see him.

But you never knew that you would be more disappointed when you catch glimpse of him.

In a restaurant near his workplace, he was next to another girl, having lunch with her and even feeding her.

That shattered your heart. You weren't the doubtful type of person, so you were certain that this wasn't just your mind playing tricks. That was further proven as he lightly kissed the girl he was with.

You couldn't believe that everything was perfect about today just for it to lead to this moment of pain.

There was a tear that escaped your eyes. For the past three months of him being busy, he was just spending his time with another girl.

Time stopped for a bit, and not in a good way.

You quickly got your phone out and dialed his number. He picked up immediately, signing the girl beside him to stay silent as they smiled at each other.

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