hopes peak academy

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Ella turned her head up to the large school upon her. she gulped in fear of what would happen to her. she remembers reading that hopes peak academy is a great place. she clenches her fists and pushes open the hard glass doors, where 14 students were sitting down on what looked like wooden chairs. Ella felt like she was being watched. because all the students heads are pointed directly at her. she puts down her arms in embarrassment, and  heads to a desk. after a few minutes, she starts rocking in her chair harshly, completely zoning out. her chair falls down due to her kicking her desk. to ellas suprise, 2 hands caught her. she flinched when the chair hit the ground. she sees a blonde male with a galaxy sweater. she's completely speachless by now. "are you ok?" he said in a slightly annoyed tone. she got immediately after. "heyyy, stef. is that your girlfriend? she looks pretty damn ugly." said a girl in the back. Ella covered her face with her hands and sat back down in her desk. "Niki! no one gives a fuck about what you gotta say!" said a brown haired female. she was wearing a pair of pink sunglasses and.. streetwear clothing. "I agree with misa. you fucking pick me girl." said another next to the girl named, misa.
"wait..? that sounds.. familiar." Ella spoke under her breath. "no one gives a shit you nasty liars!" said the tanned girl. she started to tear up and ran to her desk in the corner of the room.

"huh.. that's.." said a boy with curly hair. he was right next to the girls. "based." he replied to his own comment. "yeah I know, let's get outta here. ain't this a weekend?" said misa to the boy. "king, misa, don't you think we should stay..? after all, we are supposed to-" the other girls sentence was cut off by the sound of loud metal. the boy fell out of shock. "what the-" said the boy called "stef". "i-i! why are the windows being blocked..?" said the other girl. "I don't know lola!" misa replied. ella covered her ears and rolled into a ball. suddenly the noise stopped. everyone got up, not saying a word. the windows were covered, and the door was blocked by iron. "the fuck!?" said misa. a small shadow of a stuffed bear appeard. everyones attention turned to it. the bear stood on the teachers chair. "I am.. monukuma! your headmaster of hopes peak academy!" said the stuffed animal. "there's no damn way!" king said. "uh- i- huh?" said a girl with blackish hair, and a frog shirt. she put her boba drink on the table. "what just happened-" she said. "you're our headmaster? you're jokin.. right? you dumbass bear." niki said. "now, now! don't be rude to the headmaster or you'll have a punishment!" "what kind., of punishment..?" misa replied.

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