the hellfire club and the e's

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"I have assigned you all a room!" monukuma said. there was silence for a split second before monukuma replied "please head to your dorms!" everyone looked like they were completely in shock. some crying and some just looking straight down. but one thing was for sure.. everyone was in a deep pool of despair. everyone started to open their doors. some were sleeping together. like king and stef. after everyone was in their dorm Ella twisted the golden door knob to reveal a luxurious room. there wasnt a twin bed anymore. it was queen sized. the blankets were filled of soft feathers. the brown-ish wallpaper was cleaner then the entire classroom they were in. there were paintings of forests and the sky. Ella unpacked her stuff and covered her torso with the soft cream-colored blanket. hours felt like seconds while in that room. her eyes start to get heavier and heavier when suddenly she blinks, and the second she opens her eyes it's morning. "huh.. it feels like..  I just skipped the night." her vision is blurry as she starts the remember the situation she's in. finally her eyes start to get a grasp of the room. she pushes herself out of her bed. as she heard the sounds of the door rooms opening she put on a whiteish sweater with some jean shorts. she walked to a vanity that was already in the dorm. she put on light makeup and opened the door to see everyone has left their rooms. she walked to the cafeteria while the clean tile floors make squeaking sounds due to ellas shoes. she arrived at the cafeteria where everyone was. this was her chance to make new friends to overcome the stressful despair.

she rushed to the blonde male who wasnt eating anything but he was sitting with a girl and another guy. "h-hi.." Ella said nervously. "hi hi hi!" the girl said. as I was able to make out her features. she had pink sunglasses with a pink top. she was wearing baggy jeans shorts and she was eating butter. not with anything. just.. butter.

Her hair was dirty blonde with bright blonde highlights. "erm.. you want any?" she said. "uh, sure!" Ella replied. misa gave her butter. "come sit with us, nerd." said a curly haired male. "wait- king-" misa panicked, as I sit next to the blonde male she let out a forced sigh. "I'm stef. that's misa and king" stef said. "yeah I'm misa" misa said with her mouth full "misa why do always eat things that are not meant to be eaten alone?" king asked. "because why not?" misa answered. "based" king said. "uhh, am I bas-" before stef can say his full sentence, misa and king answered a solid "nope, no way" they said at the same time. "I don't even know why I asked the hellfire club.." stef said with his hands buried in his face. "hey.. what's your talents?" Ella asked while finishing her piece of butter. "I'm the ultimate swimmer! misa wolfhard!" "I'm the ultimate engineer, king wolfhard. me and misa are cousins" "I'm stef blitz.. the ultimate pilot!" "what about you?" misa asked in reply to ellas question. "don't judge me.. I'm the ultimate lucky student.." Ella replied. "BAHAHA! the ultimate LUCKY student!?" misa said with a mouth full of butter. "next your gonna say there's a pipebomb in your bedroom." king said under his breath. "exactly!!" misa said. "anyway.. I'm gonna hang with the cool kids! cya losers" king said with absolutely no filter. "I'll catch up with my cousin. later gay girls!" misa said directly following king with her head turned to face the other group.

"wow.. they really ARE mean." Ella said in shock. "hey., never caught your name." stef said hoping for her to reveal her name. "Ella. Ella duckzmals." Ella replied. "well.. I guess I'd call ya tall cuz of that damn pin" stef said looking at the pin Ella was wearing on her chest. "oh, this? it's a decoration." Ella said. as stef and Ella laughed at their own jokes and had conversations and stef helped ella cheer up due to the situation, a tanned girl with blinding jewelry and straight, smooth hair walks up to the table. "who are you guys? noobs? dumbasses? bitches? idiots?" she said with her right hand on the table,  balancing her body. "go away niki! stop bullying us whenever you feel like it." stef yelled. "why should I? I don't even like you stef I'm just here for that girl." niki laughed. "n-no! go away!" stef said in a angered tone. "hey girl wanna sit with us? you seem pretty cool. better then this sore loser!" niki said cackling at her own words. "hey Niki! I'll call misa and king on ya if dont stop!" stef yelled at her. suddenly her annoying laughs stop, and she whispers "m-misa..?" she takes her hand off the table and starts running away from to the table to another. she sits down while 3 boys are comforting her. "wha- who- huh?" Ella tried to utter a single sentence but she failed miserably. "that's niki. the bully of our old school. don't say the word misa or she'll freak!" stef said happily. "ok, I wont. but what's her ultimate?" Ella asked stef. "she's the "ultimate" model." stef said annoyed. "what! but that misa and lola girl were wayyy prettier." Ella said In shock. "yeah even laura. Laura's way prettier. she deserves to be ultimate model." stef said. "what is Lola's and Laura's talent?" Ella asked. "lola is the ultimate actor and Laura is the ultimate fashionista." stef replied. "oh, ok! wanna take a walk? I'd like if you introduced me to the e's group." Ella said kindly. "let's take a walk firs- YOU KNOW OF THE E'S GROUP!?" stef said surprised. "heh" Ella giggled. "yeah after the walk." stef said. they got up from the cafeteria and started taking a walk around the school whIle stef was showing her around.  "wait! Ella I wanna show you this!" stef twisted a doorknob to a garden. there was no way of escaping though, because there were giant golden fences surrounding it. stef was showing Ella a bush he liked, when suddenly stefs eyes widened. monukuma comes out of the berry bush while singing a nursery rhyme. "Ella! stef! come to the classroom! I have a hugeeeee announcement!" monukuma said. ella nodded her head saying "yes". stef grabs ellas hand and they both walk to the classroom to see everyone there already. monukuma appears on a camera. "hello! welcome to hopes peak academy! I'll just get straight to the point.. you'll have to kill eachother to escape!" everyone's skin went pale. however for misa and stef, they had wide smiles on their face. "let me explain..  you have to kill somebody to escape! and the whole class has to figure out who did it." monukuma continued, "if the class figures out who the blackened is, the killer gets a punishment!" "if they don't.. everyone gets a punishment except for the killer! and the killer gets to return home safely..!"

"there's no way..." ella whispered

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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