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"He's ready for you now." The tall pale man fixed his glasses and escorted you to an office. You didn't like where you were, but you knew you had to be here. This is your destiny. You were a killer, a trained killer, who was assigned to report to some guy. You were given one name, Mr. Gribbleston. Probably the boss... Once you two got to the door, the tall man opened it for you, nudging his head to the side as a signal to go in. You walked begrudgingly in, looking around the room. Inside, the room was empty. The only thing that was on the ground was a desk, everything else was hung up. Pictures, framed newspapers, and animal heads all hung up perfectly. Back to the desk, a figure sat in the swivel chair, menacingly. "Mr. Gribbleston?" The figure laughed. "Please, Mr. Gribbleston was my father, call me Roy." You nodded, acknowledging him. "You must be L/N? I was told my friend was sending you for my 'team'" You nodded again. Roy smiled, it was bone chilling. "L/N it is a pleasure to meet you, truely." He held his hand out for a shake. You walked towards the desk to fulfill the gesture. Roy and your boss were close, hell, there was a picture of them behind Roy's seat. Your boss had made a trade with Roy, it was almost inhumane. It was an employee trade. So what's so inhumane about it all? Well you were now Roy's employee. He owned you until your dying days. You would be working for him for the rest of your life as for his employee he gave away, they were stuck with your old boss. You wish this wasn't how it worked, but that's just how mafia works. You were just a pawn, and you knew it. But that's what makes you powerful. Roy spoke again, snapping you back to reality. "I am going to send you to a friend of mine and he'll take good care of you while we prepare an initiation for you. You will be a part of the family. A Gribbleston." Uncomfortable, you backed up a bit. "I look forward to it, sir." You tried staying in your forced stance, despite the situation being intolerable. Roy opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a notebook. He flipped through the pages and tore one out. He slid the paper to you. You picked it up and looked at the beautiful handwriting, was this his? "That's where you need to go. The leader of the group will take care of you for now. You will address him as Mr. Papilio. Strange name, we know, but he refuses to go by anything else... Other than his NEW name...You will receive one as well. You will undergo our initiation as soon as we obtain what we need for it." You went back to just nodding. You didn't really pay attention to what he was saying after that, you had all the information you needed. When you were dismissed, the tall man from before, you learned his name was Colin, escorted you out. He opened and closed the door for you, not out of politeness.Once you two were alone, he signaled you to follow him down the hall. You, not wanting to disappoint already, obeyed. He was perfect in all that he did, never messing up like he's done this many times before. Striking up a conversation would be the best right now. Statistics say that addressing the other person in the room lowers your chances of getting attacked. "Do you know where I'm going? Who's his 'friend'?" Colin obviously didn't want to answer, it was shown in his slight eye roll and scoff. "You will be relocated and that is all you need to know. You should have been given the names you need in the office." Names? Where there more you should have remembered? As long as you knew the leader, you would be okay. Ask them for an introduction, that always gets them. The two of you got to the double doors that lead to the exit. Colin stopped and turned to you, "You know what to do." Before you even set foot outside, when you left for this 'interview', you were restrained and blindfolded. You couldn't say you liked it, a warning would have been nice. But you weren't allowed to see where you were. You had the old blindfold in your pocket, you took it out and tied it around your face. You felt Colin gently grab your shoulder, he nudged you to move forward. The doors creaked as they opened. The fresh air felt nice on your face, it's been awhile... Colin guided you to a car that would take you to your next destination. Where you'd be staying for sometime. Your temporary home.


You sat in the back of the car, hands tied behind your back, unknowing of where you were, where you were going, and when you'd be back. You couldn't tell who was driving, but you knew Colin was next to you so if you had any 'secret information', which you don't, now would not be the best time to share. This driver, you noted, was horrible at his job, hitting potholes the whole way causing you to jump every time. Maybe it was a sick joke to these people? After what felt like hours, the driver stopped and you were escorted once again. This was different from the last place, much different. There was a large set of stairs leading up to where you needed to go, and being blindfolded wasn't making this any easier for you. It took a long time just to get up the first few flights. Getting up to the top was almost a reward. Inside, you were given your ability to see and your hands back again. You rubbed your wrist, hoping you didn't get rope burn from the darn thing. It was you and the tall man again. "Go down the hall then to the right." He instructed, leaving you to your own devices. 'Smart move... Why don't I just run while I have the chance?' You thought, knowing running wouldn't do anything. You'd be caught and killed if you did that. There's no backing down now. To be completely honest, there was no backing down ever. You committed your whole life to this. You stood in the hallway alone, waiting just a second or two for anything. Nothing. While you were there, you might as well get used to where you were staying. Looking around the room, there were tapestries on the wall, beautiful ones at that. Each with their own story to tell. What kind of story? You weren't quite sure, but it was wonderful to look at nonetheless. Scattered tables throughout the hall with pottery and pictures, nothing unusual. The place looked like a regular house. The only difference was how high up you were. You wandered down the hallway and turned to the right. At the end of that hallway, a door. You would have never guessed. You looked behind you to where the left was, just out of curiosity. There was nothing but another hallway to the left. Going back to your main objective, you quietly approached the door and knocked. A sing songy "Come in" was heard from inside. It sounded promising.You walked in to see your host sitting on his desk, not very professional... He had a glass of wine in his hand as he giggled. Was he intoxicated? "Y/N? Y/N L/N? Oh you're a dear! Have a seat, please." You were a bit uncomfortable here as well. A lot less than how you were at Roy's office. "You're more beautiful than I imagined!" Beautiful? He was HIGHLY unprofessional. You questioned if this was even the leader. He didn't have any characteristics of one. You quietly judged him as he sloshed the glass around and snickered to himself. "It's funny, really... That you were sent here, to ME of all people..." He stared at his drink longingly, "There were SO many other options, but Roy chose... hehehe... ME!" He hopped off his desk and put the glass down. He eyed you up and down, inspecting. You straighten your posture. "Oh no no no no dear, no need for that. You were perfect the way you were." You then stood at ease, no use in being perfect if you're told otherwise. When he circled you completely, he took a step back and outstretched his arms to form a 'frame' with you in the center. Yes, YES! Brilliant. Very aerodynamic... How long have you been in this field of work?" "My whole life, Mr. Papilio. Ever since I could walk." "Mr.? Oh! Right- My name... I never told you. Tsk tsk where are my manners?" Mr. Papilio did a little bow, "Shrignold Papilio, but you can call me whatever you'd like." Shrignold got up from his stance and held out his hand for yours. You went in for a handshake, he seemed to not. He looked at you confused. "The other hand, darling." You switched hands so Shrignold could do the gentlemanly thing and kiss it. "There. Now we aren't strangers anymore." You nodded awkwardly in response. Shrignold continued to ramble on about something, which you didn't care enough to listen, about a 'higher up'.  It was then when it all went down hill.

~ More to come soon, but Please enjoy what I can muster. On lighter news, I can rapid fire some Stories. I *will* also warn you that this is a shrignold x reader and not a Colin x reader.. I know, I know... "Why no sexy Computer?" Because I want my requests to be on time and this is WAY overdue. I will be finishing the other stories soon, however for now, they will have cliffhangers until I can catch up with y requests. If you are still reading, know I love you so much and I hope you have a great day. ~

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