Reiteration of Larry x Reader

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You never liked the dark... Nothing about it was comforting. You weren't scared of it, just unnerved. You stayed up because of it, staring at the blue screen from your phone. One night- well, morning- you thought it would be nice to have a nightlight. And as if your prayers have been answered by god himself, the first search result on etsy was a blue lamp that doubled as a nightlight. It looked brand new and it was deviously cheap! You pressed add to cart and let the magic work itself out. After around four days of staying up late hoarding ice coffee, your lamp arrived. The box was a bit soggy from the rain outside. The taps of raindrops were your background noise as you went to go find a knife or a box opener. You came back to the box just the same as you left it, as expected. Opening the box, the lamp was exactly how it looked in the ad. Thank you Jesus. The lamp had a bit of black stain on it, disgusting. You wiped it off with a damp paper towel and smiled. "Perfect. You're gonna look great on my nightstand." The blue lamp fit in perfectly with your room, as if it was planned. The only thing you'd change about it was the oddly colored red switch. Rudolph who? Maybe you wouldn't... It was kinda cute. Like toddler cute. You would look at this lamp and think 'Toddler'. It made you chuckle. You left your room to do anything productive. You don't care what it is as long as it keeps you moving. After an hour of reorganizing your kitchen, you felt great. You went back to your room to find the lamp facing your bed. Odd, you could have sworn you faced it toward the door. You shrugged it off thinking you may have shifted it by accident. It flew past your head.

After about a month, you were very happy with how great your lamp helped out. But there was something wrong. Since you've had the lamp, you've been hearing a voice. It would say the strangest things. The first time felt like it was because you were tired. The second time you were creeped out, but shrugged it off. But the third time, you were convinced something or someone was messing with you. Because of coincidence, you checked the lamp first. You lifted it up, examined the bottom and sides for anywhere for a voice to come out. Nothing. You may as well be dragged off in a straight jacket. It drove you crazy to know there was something wrong but you couldn't do anything to stop the feeling. Maybe that's why the lamp was so cheap. You couldn't stand it any longer, you were throwing the lamp out. You grabbed a trash bag and went to your room. Before you could put the lamp in, you felt guilty. Like it was a friend who helped you through a tough time, mostly because it did. He hesitated. "God, why is this so hard?" A chuckle was heard in front of you. "That's what she said- HAHAHAHA!" The voice was almost squeaky, it was almost laughable. You looked the lamp square in the face. Oh god it had a face. The lamp had legs and arms now, it's arms were at it's side as it continued to laugh. It wiped a fake tear from it's eyes. "Oh ho ho ho that was the BEST reveal I've ever done! Oh what's your name, kid?" He held out his hand to shake yours. You were so dumbfounded you couldn't say a word. The lamp cocked his head to the side. "Fine then, keep your secrets.. So kid, got any alcohol? I've been here for WEEKS and I haven't found your stash, where do ya keep it?" "I don't have a stash, I think any adult beverage is gross.." You finally had the gut to speak up. "Gross? Kid, you got problems." The lamp ruffled your hair, you groaned and fixed it. "Names Lawrence, but you can call me Larry.. or Lars... I heard Leo once..." He rambled on about his nicknames as he scratched his head, trying to remember them all. "...Oh and Lenar-" "Y/N. My name is Y/N." You cut him off, hoping that would save you the trouble of hearing all those nicknames. He didn't seem too crossed that he was interrupted. "Well, Y/N, I think we are going to be the best of friends," He had a creepy smile, "Say, you know how to have dreams, right?" You can't really give him an answer so you shook your head no. "Well, angel, mind if I call ya angel? It's time for you to learn." His smile almost pierced right through you, it made you want to claw at yourself. It wasn't long before music was heard...


Oh god.. What is that? The music was dumb sounding. Toddler vibes. Larry put his hands where his hips would be and danced. "Dreams are movies that live in your head, every night when you sleep in your bed. And you can have a dream about-" The music stopped with him. It repeated slower. "And you can have a dream about... Dream about... About," The music stopped all together, "This isn't any fun." He slumped over and sulked. "I'm super sober, It's daytime, and you're not even screaming in fear! Ugh!" He threw his hands around in frustration. Wait- 'Screaming in fear'? What was this guy's problem? "Do you want me to be scared?" You sat on your bed. "It would be nice.. Can you at least fake it?" You thought to yourself. "I can try.." You breathed out to get ready for your performance. "Ah! I'm terrified.." You weren't very convincing. Larry's eye twitched. "Fine! If you can't fake it, I'll make it." Next thing you knew, cold blue smoke poured over your feet. You coughed, it was almost intoxicating. As you continued to cough uncontrollably as the lamp stared down at you. "I gave you a chance... You didn't play your cards right, now you get to suffer." Suffer? What the hell did you do? You did as he asked! But it was too late to bicker, you felt your eyelids get heavier and you dropped to the floor. You fell asleep with a final cough, this can't be it, right?

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