🦸‍♀️ Superhero vs Supervillain AU 🦹‍♀️

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In this AU, the characters will go under aliases and have super powers! They will even have their own hero/villain suit!

The Characters and their aliases, their alignment, and their powers

Balan/ The Maestro: His powers involve photokinesis (the ability to control light), cloning, and flight. He is a superhero that strives to protect all of Highland Isle.

Lance/ Black Cloak: His powers are umbrakinesis (the ability to control darkness), crystal imprisonment, and flight. He is a supervillain that longs to get what he wants.

Leo Craig/ Bullseye: His powers allow him to shoot out bullets of dark blue energy. He also will never miss a target if his powers are used correctly. He's a young superhero who wants to protect his home while living a normal life.

Emma Cole/ The Enhancer: Her powers give her the ability to enhance either her speed or her strength. When she uses her enhancement, she will be surrounded by pink energy. She's a young superhero who yearns for a true friend.

Jose Gallard/ Mr. Vine: His powers allow him to control plants of all kind. He can even release a floral-scented gas that can put enemies to sleep. A mellow superhero, this farmer lived a quiet life before discovering his powers.

Fiona Demetria/ Aqua Lady: She can not only control water and shape it to how she pleases, but she can breathe underwater and communicate with the sea animals too. The water boils when she's angered. She's a cheery superhero who loves to swim in her spare time.

Yuri Brand/ Tarantula: She has the ability to climb on walls and shoot out sticky webs to trap and/or attack enemies. She can also use her webs to swing from place to place. A shy superhero, she is also a lover for all creepy crawlies.

Haoyu Chang/ Captain Flight: Hence his alias, he can fly for as long as he wants. He use his flight as an advantage to fight airbourne enemies. He's a laid-back superhero who dreams of flying around the world.

Sana Hudson/ Songbird: She can perform a sonic screech that can send enemies at a tremendous distance. She's also skilled in martial arts. She's not only a superhero, but also a bird lover.

Cass Milligan/ Time Freezer: This young girl's ability allows herself to freeze time in its tracks. This is sufficient for attacking enemies. This superheroine is also a cat lover.

Cal Suresh/ Grey Fate: His interesting power is, surprisingly, luck. In other words, he can make either good luck or bad luck happen. Despite this, he is a superhero that wants to do good.

Iben Bia/ Snow Queen: She can control both ice and snow, shaping her powers to anything she likes. She's a soft-spoken superheroine with a tormented past.

Attilio Caccini/ Mr. Illusion: He can create illusions to trick his enemies and catch them off guard before he can attack. He's a goofy superheroine with a good sense of justice and humor.

Lucy Wong/ Octo-Girl: She has melanokinesis, the ability to control and manipulate ink. Her ink comes in every color of the rainbow. She's a bubbly superheroine that has a thing for art.

Eis Glover/ Doctor Burn: He has pyrokinesis, the ability to control and manipulate fire. His flames are effective towards enemies that have a weakness to fire. He's a superhero that's ironically afraid of fire.

Bruce Stone/ Disappear: His power is invisibility. He can choose to disappear and reappear however he pleases. He's a superhero that prefers to keep things clean.

Aria Montgomery/ Enchantress (my oc): She can perform magic spells of all kind and use it to attack enemies. She's a superheroine who is on the reclusive side.

Your oc/ Your oc's alias: You decide! You also decide if they're a hero or a villain. You can even decide their powers.

Scenario: Make it up!

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