Phase Seven : Last Quarter

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At the end of the introduction, I explained to Yong while I'm facing Lee Do, "Normally, it's not that hard to tell them apart, if it wasn't for the weapon that they're holding... May I ask the reason for its disappearance?"

"Do you remember the night of Heavenly Banquet?" asked Ravn, crossing his arms.

"Of course!" I replied to him enthusiastically, but seeing how lost Yong looked, I recounted the events to her, "About 5 years ago, the Jade Emperor held a banquet for his birthday inviting everyone including Sacheonwangun-nim. Back then we hang out frequently since I started to get famous-"

"Ahem... infamous." Lee Do cleared his throat, "You used to get us in a lot of trouble."

Yong looked at Lee Do with a tilted head and asked, "Are you sure 'used to' and not 'still do'?" Obviously, I was offended by her statement, "Hey... Some thanks you got there after all I've been through to save your ass!"

Seo Ho pats Lee Do on the back, while smiling at us, "Now, now. While it may be true that Shamaness Byul has kept us busy with our jobs, but its an undeniable fact that she helped to vanquish several evil spirits in the Human realm."

Hwan Woong stood next to Seo Ho, supporting him, "Indeed... She made our job much easier, even if it means we often had to chase down evil spirits only to find nothing because she had taken care of it. Since then, we decided to work together, and we hang out very often because of that."

Once Yong had a clearer understanding of our past, I resumed the story, "Anyway, they are kind enough to sneak me into the banquet. To avoid being seen, we drank our fill in the Heavenly Garden, until we got so tipsy that everything around us looked funny. Then they dared me to pull out a Radish in the middle of the garden – which I obviously did. Those were good times... Speaking of which, I passed out after that. When I regain my consciousness, I was back at home while you guys were nowhere to be seen, until today."

"Yea... About that..." Lee Do scratched the side of his head, "We messed up big time... You see that Radish turned out to be our 'pandora's box.' The moment you pulled it out, the power stored within disseminated and scattered our weapon around the world. If anyone get hold of our weapon, technically they have access to the gates of Heaven... Which means..."

"Doomsday." Said Ravn solemnly, "Demons can enter the Heavenly realm, alter the lives of the living and other realms..."

"You're telling me the world is coming to an end because all of you got drunk and did something stupid as to pull out a Radish in Heaven?" asked Yong, "What the hell is wrong with you people and bet? I thought Deities and Shamaness are not supposed to gamble?!"

As if we're born as quintuplets, we diverted our eye contact away from Yong while scratching our heads, feeling guilty and embarrassed at the whole situation. I tried to calm her down by saying, "I mean... It's just a Radish. Who'd expect it to have 'Butterfly Effect'? Besides, which genius stored such power in a middle of a garden, unguarded?"

Seo Ho sheepishly raised his arm, "Um... The Jade Emperor stored that kind of power to prevent doomsday so technically, we're supposed to guard it... And ironically, it also causes doomsday."

I've lived my whole life without any parents, but if I do have one, I'm sure as hell Yong is sounding like one when she started scolding them while they droop their heads down like puppies being disciplined, "You're all unbelievable! As someone important as the Four Heavenly Kings, do you not take your job seriously? Haven't you heard of 'Great power comes with great responsibility'? How did you all even get the title of Sacheonwangun when you seemed to share the same brain cells? Tell me!"

Sacheonwangun-nim all turned to me with puppy eyes, if looks could talk, theirs would be, 'Shamaness Byul... Say something, save us!' I tapped Yong's shoulder lightly and she turned to glare at me, "And you! Do you like betting life and death that much? Are you a gambling addict? Is this what Ajahn trained you for?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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