A Brotherly Advice || Chapter 18

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Tommy sat down on the rock with his head leaning against one of his hand while the other dangling below his feet, everything around him was all completely destroy; the ground was bald as a rock, the water was all drained and the trees were slowly falling apart one by one slowly. Tommy doesn't really know what else to do or what to think, if only he could turn back time and fix his mistakes. Oh wait, he can't.

As he sat there, footsteps approaching him from behind then it stop only leading to fading silence before a tall shadow loom over Tommy almost frightening him but as he knew.. it was just only Wilbur Soot. Tommy groaned in annoyance slightly rolling his eyes as Wilbur bend down to the ground on his knees slightly crouching down as he look at Tommy with a pity face. He never show a pity face to anyone, not ever.

"Tommy." Wilbur spoke softly in a calm tone.

"What the hell do you want, Wil." Tommy mutter not really wanting to talk nor see Wilbur or his face. He had enough seeing people just for a day, he feels like he's better off without anyone around.

"Just wanted to talk, see how you holding up." He replied as he sat down on the ground with his legs crossed over each other.

"Doing fucking fine, there happy? Now go away, Wilbur." Tommy turned to the other side and hid his face in his knees. Wilbur looked at Tommy sighing, he knew Tommy was not fine. He can sense it, he's his brother. He's terrible at hiding it, very fucking terrible.

If there was one thing he really wants to do right now, he really will slap Tommy right across his face and just point his finger at him telling 'Snap out of that bullshit' but he's just imagining that. Tommy just kept silent not even wanting to look at Wilbur, the atmosphere between them was just quiet and mostly a bit tend awkward. Wilbur just stare at Tommy making him uncomfortable a bit as he turn his head to look at Wilbur to only find him still staring at him with those empty eyes, he groaned in annoyance.

"Wilbur, what do you actually fucking want?" Tommy ask, his tone of his voice sounded annoying and he was definitely pissed off.

"Like I said, I just want to talk."

Tommy scoffed in annoyance, "Talk, he said. About what actually, Wilbur? Cause' there is nothing for me to talk about."

Wilbur sigh, knowing he'll be like this and also quite an idiot, "We do, Tommy, we do. And it's about you and your goddamn attitude. Oh and not to mention your behaviour." Tommy mutter slightly mimicking Wilbur's words but only to be slap at the back of his head as he groaned a bit, "Fuck you."

Wilbur smile softly, "Of course, little man. Now, back to topic. What..- actually happen back there, Tommy?"

Then Tommy went silence, 'Is that what he wants to 'talk' about?', he just kept silence; not a word, not a single peek out of his mouth. Of course he have to ask him that, of course he had to.

"I did nothing wrong. It was an accident, that's all." He spoke coldly not wanting to tell the actual truth about what had happend between him and Dream.

"An 'accident'..? Tommy, you killed Dream and now the server is slowly crumbling down to the ground because of-" Then he stop, he stop talking for a bit as he think about what he was about to said. Was he about to blame Tommy? No, he must not.

It wasn't Tommy's fault. It wasn't his fault. As he took in a deep breath, he placed his hand on Tommy's head softly patting him as he sigh, "I know what you did was a accident but now that Dream's gone, this server is going to fall Tommy but just so you know.. it's going to be fine. Sort of..- But what you did back there, your actions weren't right, you know there'll be a consequence if the rest of the whole entire server finds out what you did? Do you understand?" Tommy kept silence once more but a slight nod came from him. Wilbur glance at Tommy feeling worried for him but he felt he was hiding something else from him, perhaps it was just that weird feelings of his. Probably.

"..You don't understand anything, you'll never understand, the other's won't as well." Tommy muttered softly.

"What do you mean by that?" Wilbur ask raising his eyebrow towards Tommy, feeling slightly confused by his statement.

"You don't know all of it during when it..- Ah fuck it, you weren't there. You will never care." Tommy moved away from Wilbur turning the other side staring down to the ground, after Wilbur's death and the whole election thing; it happen. His exile. His torment and everything. Why should he even bring it up to him? He was never there, actually, he never was. Never. He was never there.

"What do you mean by that? Tommy, what are you saying?"

"It's nothing, Wilbur. It's just.. nothing." Tommy stood up putting both of his hands in his pocket.

"Perhaps remembering the worst fucking moments back during exile." Tommy glance back towards Wilbur as he soon took off leaving Wilbur sitting there in confusion but as well in shock. Wilbur sat there thinking, the expression on his face was confused but he was mostly shock. Exile? Tommy got exile? When? Why? How? What happen? How much had he missed?

Guess a lot.

. .

But there are more secrets that Tommy are hiding from everyone including Wilbur.

And those secrets, will either keep remained hidden or revealed soon.

Always The Villian (Disc Duo Switch Role AU) || Tommy & Dream [Dream SMP]Where stories live. Discover now