"Yes, I ate some of it before I heard your music. The song was very beautiful."

He nodded with a small smile on his lips. "I am afraid it took me a while to remember the notes. It has been a while since I have played, or raised my voice in song." He shifted, and interlaced his fingers with yours causing you to look down at your interlocked hands for a moment. "Do you wish to have more food? More fruit, or even venison perhaps?"

You offered a small smile to him, which lit his features up incredibly, "Perhaps later sir. I was wondering if you could tell me where... my cloths are...?"

His expression changed for a split second - a flash of anger in his eyes and his eyes were drawn to the dark corner of the room. He narrowed his eyes at it, then the brief moment was gone. It left you a little spooked. You raised an eyebrow and ventured, "Are you okay, sir?"

He turned his attention back to you, and the small smile returned, "I am sorry. I was distracted by something for a moment. Your clothes are being cleaned and dried. In the meantime, you may wear anything you find in the amoire of your chambers."

You found yourself turning slightly to the area he had been so preoccupied with, but caught yourself. For whatever reason, your instinct told you not to look. Not because you thought you would find something hideous there, but you knew you would find nothing. Not wanting to antagonize him, you forced a large grin on your face. "That is very kind of you." It was you knew. However, you knew you needed to be on your way. It was night again, or so it seemed by the sun setting in the background, and you needed to make it to your mother's bedside.

"You will have dinner with me tonight. Fruit alone can not sustain one of your kind in this season." He stood, the smile remaining on his lips.

"I do not mean to sound ungrateful, but as soon as my clothing is ready I believe I should not..." What was the best expression you could use for such a regal creature to such an invitation? "Encroach on your hospitality and be on my way."

His face and eyes melted into a wave of fury at this and suddenly his face was but 2 inches from yours. His voice, though still steady held an edge that frightened you as he hissed, "It was not a request! You will there, and you will not leave these Halls until I say you can!"

Your mouth fell agape at this, and though frightened you could not help the flurry of words coming from your mouth, "What?! Am I prisoner here?! I told you I just needed a place out of the cold to rest for the night! My mother is dying and if I don't get there in time I will never forgive myself!" The last sentence came out as a strangled remark, tipped with the guilt and pain you had been fighting back the whole journey.

He did not falter one second. He did not even blink. "Your mother's life is already spent, and you are foolish to even wish to want to leave my halls. Where will it get you but back at my doors begging my mercy from the dark and cold again? You will never find your way through my wood unless I wish it. So, I offer you a seat at a table of immortals and spirits. Food of the wisest, oldest creatures on this earth. And to spend it with me, while I am not all that pleasant I dare to believe I will make a better companion than a fading, silent shell of a human who will not even remember who you are when you arrive."

He backed away from you by several feet in what seemed to strides at this. You stared at him in shock, and tears threatened to come forth at his words. You bit them back and merely looked down at the floor. The words stung with both truth and with how both selfish and generous the offer was at once. Weakly you found yourself asking, "I am your prisoner then?"

You began wringing your hands into the cloth of the robe wrapped about you.

There was a long moment of silence and quietly he came to stand in front of you and outstretched a hand with several rings on it. Each depicted an element of the forest, a spider for it's shadows, a snake for it's cunning, a branches and thorns for the trees and green life. You heard him speak in a much more gentle voice, "Forgive me, it has been a long time since I have had the true company of the gentle sex. No, you are not my prisoner. You may leave at any time. But know, I do not recommend a mortal leaving in the dark of night which comes swiftly and awakens more sinister creatures than a lonely," he scoffed at his next word, "mad, Elven king." You looked up at the hand then the owner of it, a somber but kind look was on his face. "I vow I will let you return to the mortal world with ample time to give your farewells to your mother."

You stared at the bejeweled hand for a long moment before reaching out and grasping it, "Thank you, my king." You looked up at him and let a small, sad smile come to your face, which he returned with an understanding one. You knew not why you felt the need to add 'my king' to the end of that, but you felt it necessary. So he is mad?

This was your last thought as he led you hand in his out of the room.

Enchantment of SorrowWhere stories live. Discover now