"That was so cool!"

Amara laughed, "I'll show you more later, come on, we have to get to your place soon."



Amara and MJ didn't have to walk far because, as MJ had said earlier, her house was only down the street. When they got to her front door, a middle-aged man answered the door, presumably MJ's father, and said to her, "Hey kiddo!" Then he turned to Amara, "You must Amara."

"Yeah, I am. Hi Mr Jones!"

"Please, Call me Philip." They made their way into the living area, "This is my wife, Mary."

"It's lovely to meet you both!"

MJ spoke up, "We're gonna go upstairs and maybe do some homework before dinner, is that okay?"

Mary smiled and replied, "Of course, yeah, that's fine! I've made lasagna for us all, but don't worry, Amara, MJ's told us that you're a vegetarian, just like her, so I made you both a separate tray."

"Thank you, so much! That's really thoughtful of you."

"Oh, don't be silly! It's nothing! This is Michelle's first sleepover, in fact, I think you're the first friend that she's brought around."

"Mom!" MJ said, looking embarrassed and annoyed at her mother's revelation.

Amara smiled reassuringly at MJ and then replied to Mary, "This is actually my first sleepover, too. I've been homeschooled most of my life. I'm really excited!"

"Oh, that's lovely! You girls go upstairs and I'll call you when dinner's ready."

"Okay, thanks, mom!" MJ said as she led Amara up toward her bedroom.

They set their bags down on the floor and MJ gestured for them to sit down.

Amara could tell that MJ was getting restless. She seemed nervous as she picked at her nails and bounced her leg, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" MJ looked up, quickly.

"MJ..." Amara said, granting a warning. She needed to know what was wrong with her friend.

"It's just... now that I know who you are... does that make me a target, or, whatever?"

Amara sighed, "MJ, I'm not gonna lie to you, there's a possibility. But, no one knows my identity, and hopefully never will, so there would be no visible connection between you and Aura. And I will do everything in my power to protect you because you're my best friend and I would do anything for you! And I need you to know that there is no way that I would have told you if I thought this could pose any kind of danger to you or your family, for even a second."

MJ looked relieved at that and suddenly became much more relaxed. They had both begun talking about the books that they had read recently and MJ gave Amara one of her favourite books to read from her bookshelf which ran along the entirety of her wall.

"So do you have a library at the tower? Cause that would be awesome!"

"Yeah, we do, I had to make a petition to get it in the tower because dad wasn't fully convinced that we needed one. I proved him wrong, obviously."

"I still can't get over that! Your dad is Tony Stark, that's crazy!"

"Now that I'm thinking about it, you should come over to the tower one day. I know I said I wouldn't tell my dad yet, but I doubt he'll be super angry, he doesn't really do that."

"Seriously!? You're gonna take me to Avengers Tower?!"

"I mean if you want?"

"Of course, I want!" Amara laughed at her friend's enthusiasm. Until she felt her phone ring. "Oh my god! Is that an Avenger calling you?"

"I don't know, one second." She took her phone out of her pocket and saw the name "Deadly Russian Lady" pop up on her phone, "Nat? She never calls. Something must be up, can I take this?"

"Yeah, sure!"

Amara picked the phone up, "Nat, are you okay?"

"Hey kid, I need your advice, but I know you have a sleepover, so can we just talk when you get back?" Nat said, and Amara swore she could hear a slight wobble in her voice.

"Nat... what happened?" Amara asked warily.

"Nothing, I just needed some advice, that's all. It's nothing life-threatening and it's not that serious, but it's kind of personal, so I need you."

"Okay... that's not cryptic at all."

"Also, I need you to tell me where you put my guns and my tasers, they're missing and you're that last person who used them."

"Your guns? I didn't use them- oh, wait, I did, and then I gave them to Pietro 'cause he wanted to train with them. That was about three days ago?"

"Okay, I'll ask Pietro, thanks, kid."

"No problem, I'll talk to you tomorrow, bye."


Amara heard the call disconnect and turned back to MJ, "She's fine, I think, you never know with Nat, she's just so hard to read."

"That's so awesome! I want to be able to say that Black Widow is hard to read because I know her well enough to! Is she nice? Or is she terrifying?"

"She can be terrifying when she wants to be, but, most of the time she's great!"

"This is unreal! I can't believe I'm talking about an Avenger to an Avenger who is also my best friend! It's crazy!"

Amara smiled at her friend's excitement, but she was also feeling extra guilty about lying to Ned and Peter, especially now that MJ knows the truth and they don't. She briefly wondered if anything would actually be affected if they were to find out the truth about her. It would definitely be much easier for her, not having to keep secrets from them anymore would be amazing. But then, Amara remembered the sole reason why she was at Midtown: to fulfil her mission. Fulfilling her mission had to be her biggest priority, she can't allow herself to feel guilt over this, because everything that she is doing, is simply a means to achieve her goal. And if there is one thing to know about Amara, it's that she always gets what she wants, and that streak wasn't going to stop now because she's feeling a bit of guilt...

(A/N: Hello! I'm super sorry for all of the delays in updates for this story, but I promise you I am working extremely hard on this story and I will not be giving up on it! Thank you so much for reading, I appreciate you all. And as usual, if you have any ideas for chapters that you want to be written up, then please leave them in the comments. Thank you, again!!)

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