Chapter 1

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Daerion pushed the girl away and had the nerve to look sheepish. Like he didn't just have sex. Like he didn't just break my heart.

"Anera, I swear it's not what it looks like!" He didn't just use " It's not what it look like "on me.

"Who are you?" I turn my eyes to the unknown girl. I search her face for any sign of deceit. I found none. She really didn't know anything and seem to be as much as a victim as I was.

What do you know my ex boyfriend drag us both into this mess. Just because he wanted to get laid.

"I'm Dareion's girlfriend" softly for her sake more than her. "Or was his girlfriend"

Dareion open his mouth to say something, but close it when I gave him a look. Nothing he could say could fix anything. So honestly, he shouldn't even try.

The girl slap Daerion so hard, the sound echoes in the room. She calmly gets out of bed, put on her clothes, and leave the room without a backward glance. Either she is very strong or this was just a one night stand.

"Anrea ... ''

"Don't "Anrea me,'' I scream. "What the hell you mean it's not what it looks like. I saw you. I got eyes, I'm not blind!!!''

"Well... this wouldn't have happened if I was getting sex from you."

''Oh, fuck you!'' If I was angry before, I was streaming now. ''Just because I'm your girlfriend doesn't mean I'm going to just spread my leg out for you. That's not who I am. I told you in the beginning when we first start dating that I didn't want to have sex period'', I scowled.

"What kind of girl doesn't want to have sex?'', he said, trying to throw the blame on me. ''Are you sexually frigid?''

''No, you fucking bastard. I just didn't want to have sex because I'm fifteen years old. I have the right to want or don't want to have sex. And I didn't want to have sex, it's as simple as that. So don't fucking blame me for what you did.''

For a moment a silence fills the room. I look at his face as he contemplative what to say.

"I'm sorry", Daerion said. I almost laugh. All that thinking and "I'm sorry" if the best thing he can come up with. That was some pure bull. "I won't do it again. I promise. Let's just forget it ever happened, okay?''

"What do you mean sorry?!', I scream. ''Calm down to get angry won't save anything'', I told myself. ''If you were sorry, you wouldn't have cheated on me in the first place. I'm done with you. I don't ever want to see you again.''

I only manage to take a step before I'm suddenly in his arm.

"I sorry.  I am so sorry.  I will never cheat on you again.  I promise,''he pleaded.

"Just because you say you're sorry doesn't mean I forgive you.  This is not some stupid romance movies where I just fall in your arm while you whisper sweet nothing in my ears.  This is real life.  And in real life the girl don't forgot the boy you cheated on her.  At least I don't.  Now let me go or I kick you somewhere painful.

I'm shocked that I was able to say all of that in such a calm way. But I knew this new found calmness will disappear as soon as I out of the door.

Daerion quickly let me go, he knew I wasn't kidding.

I turn ready to walk away, but then I thought for a moment and paused.

''Oh, I'm keeping all the stuff you gave me. Not for sentimental reason value, only because your stuff may cost something'' ''Or I could just smash all your stuff'' I feel very satisfied when I see him flinch. Of course I was only joking.

... Probably.

''Goodbye.'' I walk out the door.

Only when I walk far enough away from Daerion, I allow myself to cry.

It's not like I thought we would be together forever. It's often that high school relationships don't last long. So Daerion and me breaking up is not the big of a surprise. And I have already prepared myself for the immediate breakup. I was a realist after all. I didn't believe in long lasting love or true love all that much.

So I shouldn't feel sad, since I expected it to happen anyway. I know that. But I do. I feel sad , angry, and for the first time I felt heartbroken. I hate the way I feel right now. So much. Because all the "I love you's" over the year didn't mean a thing to him. That's what really hurt.

At that moment as my tears hit the sidewalk, I make a vow. I will never date trust transparent guy who only want one thing.

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