Chapter 2

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Hey guys! I thinking this story could be some random advent maybe, Idk. So like maybe Trott goes walrus rampage or something but they will all be connected in a way. Not like a proper story so day after day, sorta skips maybe? Idk, what do you think?


*Ross' P.o.V*

I sat on top of the golden roofed church, staring at th sky. Today was the day of a blood moon and being a werewolf, it wasn't as amazing as it sounded. We would basically loose all human senses and go full on wolf, killing anything and everything in sight. The bad thing was nobody knew about this and I had nowhere to go. People would wonder where I was..

Usually back at the marble tower I'd tell the other two I was going out mining for marble or something and wouldn't be back till morning, like every other time I changed, even though full moons weren't as bad.

But here, we had quarries to do mining and the only other thing I could do was run, which like I said, would cause people to wonder and possibly get in danger. I felt bad for not telling my two best best friends, I don't know why I never told them, it wasn't because I'd think they fought I was a freak, come on Smith is a green slime man and Trott's a bloody walrus! I just never told then, ever.

My mind wondered to what had happened the other day with Kim, still a secret, which was good. I didn't mind the kiss, in fact it was amazing! But sadly Kim probably didn't like me back. I sighed..

Nobody liked me, I was a freak. The other girls only liked me because I was an architect, and as soon as they found out my secret they ran. And like every time I was alone...

My communicator buzzed, signalling someone sent a message. It was Sjin, calling for a meet up to talk about progress before we finished for the day and relaxed. I flew down from the roof, my jetpack working perfectly fine now, and landed on the wall of the gauntlet, watching as e everyone else arrived.

Smith, as usual, was the last on here and when he sat landed in the middle of me and Trott, Sjin then began the meeting

"Hey everyone! Hope you all did some good work! Now let's catch up on some progress!"

Halfway through the meeting Kim gasped.
"Oh my god! Look" we all looked up to see the blood moon a quarter away from being at it's peak. Oh shit! I must have forgotten the time, I wasn't paying attention! "Oh god, oh god. I'm screwed!" I thought

"Uh, guys" everyone turned to me "I've..Uh...I've got to go."

"What why?" Asked Sjin. " just need to" I gulped, trying to hold back the change

"Why? You going to shag in a little cave?" Smith said, gritting his teeth. "No, guys I-"

"Tell us Ross. Why do you always leave in such a hurry on a blood moon?" Questioned Trott. I felt my teeth growing sharper, I was getting more and more scared by the second

"Just I need to go" Soon I was surrounded by questions like "Why Ross?" Or "are you up to something?" Even some people moved towards me. Anger boiled in my stomach as it replaced the scared and nervous feeling.

"SHUT UP!!!" I growled, causing everyone to move away from me, claws grew from my finger nails and I backed into the corner.

"Leave me alone!" I cried, tears forming in my eyes as my two friends advanced towards me, scared I was going to hurt them I sunk away from them even more. Their facial expressions showed they were hurt, because of me. I unwilling growled at everyone and turned my jetpack on and flew away. The only thing is, I didn't know where.


I soon found a forest and landed, until then I hadn't realised I was crying "At least I'll be slightly covered" I thought as I dropped my jetpack and belonging onto the floor. I kicked my shoes off and shrugged my suit jacket from my shoulders and neatly folded them. It didn't matter about my waist coat, trousers and shirt because I had many more, unlike the rest of my stuff.

I looked back at the slime island, which only just visible, in the distance.They'd found out my secret and probably hated him for it. A few tears ran down my cheeks. I then ran and let the monster inside me take over.

//Back At The Slime Island\\

*Smith's P.o.V*

"Ross!!" Me and Trott shouted as he flew away. It wasn't safe for him, or anyone, to be out alone on a blood moon. "Wr need to find him!" I fumbled with my jet pack, trying to turn it on. As soon as just got it on I went to fly up but someone held me down. "Let me go Duncan!"

"No Smith, you can't go. It's to dangerous" He stated. "But-but Ross is out there and..and we have to find him!!" Tears brimmed my eyes.

"We know, Smith. But Ross is a grown man, he can take care of himself. And he will probably find shelter for himself" He let go of me

"Please, we need to find him!! What if he's hurt, or worse?!" Duncan sighed.

"We can wait for a few minutes and if he isn't back in an hour we can go and find him. As long as you take us with you" I nodded, agreeing got the deal. We all walking inside the church, me and Trott at the back, both of our heads hung low.

Kim looked back at us a few times as everyone took a seat while me and Trott clambered onto the Hand. Strippin then cleared his throat

"Guys, what actually happened back there?" Anger boiled inside me. "Didn't you see? Ross freaked out and flew away! He could be injured!!" I shouted. Strippin put his hand up in surrender,

"No I mean with his hands. Didn't you see his nails turn into claws, and his teeth looked much sharper. Not to mention the growl and his eyes changing" There were a few murmurs in the group

"What do you think it was" Questioned Trott. "I think I know" Kim stood up and made her way to the middle of the room "Hes a werewolf" There were gasps from almost everyone in the room

"But they're really rare! How did we not know about this?!" I exclaimed

"Well, has Ross ever been attacked, bitten or even touched a wolf and/or a werewolf before?" Me and Trott sat there, trying to refresh our memory

"I don't think so, why? But if he was, he would have told us, right?" I answered

"Well, he must have been bitten. And right now, as it's a blood moon, he's out there, rampaging away! We have to stop him before he hurts anyone or even himself!" Kim exclaimed with a worried look in her eyes.

Everyone nodded and went to gather all our gear, arm or and swords for protect and only if Ross attacks. Food because God knows how far he went and medkits, in case anyone get hurts. When we were all geared up we stood on top of the church

"Is everyone ready?" Sjin asked.
"Ready as I'll ever be" said Trott.

"Lets go!!" I backfliped off the edge while everyone just flew down, we all equipped our jet pack and splits up into our groups, me with Trott, Sjin with Hannah and Rythian, the railroad and the flux buddies.


After a few hours of searching Trott was starting to give up hope.
"He's not here Smith. He's probably just ran away. Away from this place because of us!" He said, sitting down on a fallen tree

"Don't just just yet Trott! The others might have found him" As if on queue there was a message on my communicator, it was from Strippin "Guys, we found something..."

Me and Trott sprung into the air and flew over, not bothering to say a word as all we wanted was our beaded friend to be okay. We landed behind everyone, who were standing around Strippin. Everybody moved o it of the way once they knew we were present

"Smith, Trott.." Strippin stepped forward and handed me a piece of clothing and Trott some shoes.. Ross' shoes and suit jacket...

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