Chapter 1

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I got bored, saw some cornerstone books, ideas came to mind and BAM!!! Cornerstone book birches!! Btw this is set just after they changed the mod pack, deal with it. Kk? Good



*Ross' P.o.V*

I stood next to the reactor half listening to whatever Trott was saying about this new and elaborate hydrogen fuel thingy. As usual, Smith was off somewhere doing God knows what but you could hear him mumbling things about wand foci and aura nodes so he was probably just doing some of his thaumic stuff. The others, others being Sjin's group, the Rail Bros plus Rythian and the fuc- er, flux buddies, were doing there own little things that weren't probably relevant. My head snapped in the direction of the, suddenly appeared, row of hydrogen tanks - with wires and other technical things going in, out and surrounding them - as Trott cheered and took a step back from his 'creation'

"I've done it guys! I've actually done it!" The walrus beamed

"Good job mate, but I was listening to none of whatever the heck you just said! Yay!" I patted his back and turned away and walked out of the room but not without seeing the glare he gave me, which I probably deserved, but chose to ignore

As I walked into the main house I saw Kim crafting something, I cleared my throat and she looked up and her hair fell over her purple eye leaving her brown eye, which was beginning to have flux around it, showing. Kim moved her hair behind her ear and smiles 'Such a beautiful smile...' I sighed. Wait no, I can't have feeling for her, she wouldn't like me anyway, she has Duncan and that's that!

"What was that Ross?" My eyes widen slightly, I must have said that out loud. I'm so stupid.

"Oh, n-nothing Kim. Anyway, what are you doing?" I asked, changing the subject


"What you crafting then?"

"Oh just something Duncan wants, I don't know what it is!" I chuckled at her response "Anyways I've got to go!" She beamed and skipped out. Walking forward I noticed she forgot what she had crafted and picked it up

"I don't know what the fuck this is? Probably a sex toy for them to flux with.." I half joked as I opened the door to follow Kim. I saw her flying up ttheir Muffin Base and flew after her "Kim!! Kim! I have your-" I stopped to look at the contraption in my hand, trying to figure out what it was "You forgot you sex toy when you ran out!" She didn't hear me so when she landed I called her again and this time she must have heard me because she turned around. But as she did my jetpack stopped mid-air and sent me tumbling onto Kim, my lips crashing into hers. As soon as we both realised what was happening I crawled off Kim, who in returned was blushing like a red balloon

"I'm..I'm sorry Ross" She said covering the bottem half of her face with her hands

"No, it's okay Kim. I should be apologizing 'cause it was my fault, my jetpack cut out" I felt blood rush to my face at the thought of what just happened "I'd better go, the guys will be wondering where ice got to. See ya!" I scrambled up from the floor and flew away just hearing Kim say farewell. I stood in front of the door and dusted my self off, deciding to not tell anyone of what just happened. It would be better, for both me and Kim's sake!


There some Nanomax right dere for ya. Also my nan had breaking news today, I tried to call Colin the journalist but he said he was in the bath and talking to his boyfriend who was called Ross...Anyways the news was that my nan didn't sneeze after any meal (which she usually does like 5 times) while we were in Nottingham - No WiFi so I was bored shitless

Longest Author Note I have ever wrote...


A Cornerstone Story (A Yogscast And Hatfilms Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin