Part 9 ~ Home

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I stared at Mrs Jordan in complete shock. Did she just ask her son's ex to turn up to his funeral?! Declan killed him! Andy terrorised us all and tried to fucking kill us and she wants me to turn up to his funeral and pretend to mourn when frankly all I care about right now is Declan and Jamie. I frowned, although I did hate Andy I did pity her. I knew better than anyone what she was going through. I sighed and bit my lower lip looking at her hopeful face I muttered softly "I'll think about it now I think it is best you go home Mrs..." She nodded and then left after thanking me. I turned to Jamie I hadn't realized he could hear us. His jaw and fists were clenched and he was staring at me annoyed. I sighed looking at him, he didn't get it. The only person he had ever lost was still alive. He didn't know what it was like to wake up every day, run to the kitchen and then remember everything, he had no idea how numb, empty and useless the grief made you feel. He had no idea what Mrs Jordan was experiencing and although I had absolutely no idea how it felt to lose a child. I DID know what it felt like to wake up every morning and long to hear that person laugh again or crack a stupid joke. Just anything. So if I wanted to go. He wouldn't stop me and he wouldn't be able to get pissy. I know all he saw was me going to say goodbye to my ex, the man that hospitalised him. Because he had no clue how Andy's mother felt.

I sighed sitting in the bed with Jamie, I looked into his eyes and frowned nervously. "Jamie I know you don't understand it but just know. If I go it wont be for him. But for her, his mother Jamie...." Jamie listened patiently, Jamie was the very rare type of guy that listened before jumping down your throat. He always let me explain before expressing his opinion because that was the type of guy Jamie was. A good guy. My guy. He stared into my eyes and he took my hand muttering "Make me understand! I love you! I want to help Hayleigh, I mean with Declan and now this.. I just... I want to be there for all of you but I don't know how to help." I frowned and kissed his lips tenderly, so firm. Familiar. I loved this stupid man with all of my heart. I smiled softly and cuddled into him. "Being with me.... It helps Jamie.. A lot... Knowing that I can count on you no matter what and that I can tell you everything. That's what makes me strong and that is what has gotten me through all of this. You." Jamie blushed looking at me and then he cupped my cheeks and kissed me passionately. Clearly someone was recovering very very well. I giggled moving closer I kissed him back, I tugged his hair pulling him closer deepening the kiss. He grinned against my lips and kissed down my neck. I moaned biting my lip, he nipped at my ear lobe and muttered "I don't think the nurse is meant to fuck her patients." I blushed and replied shyly

"thank god I'm not a nurse."

Jamie grinned and kissed down my neck sliding a hand up my shirt, he squeezed my left breast and I gasped and shivered. I tangled my fingers in his hair and he grinned muttering "I'm your Christian Grey Miss Hastings." I giggled and blushed whispering "Of course Mr Laing." He grinned and moved closer to me, he slid off my shirt and I stared up at him licking my lips in anticipation. He was so perfect, I slid one hand to his left cheek and he leaned into the affectionate caress. He looked down at the stockings I was wearing under my short skirt and he grinned slightly as he ran his thumb along my lower lip he growled into my ear but it wasn't threatening like Andy... It was hot. "What are you doing to me Miss Hastings?" I blushed and tilted my head back a little. He dipped down and sucked and kissed my neck. His teeth grazed my skin and I gripped the sheets gasping softly. Then he moved away to the door. He locked the door and closed the blinds. I bit my lip watching him eagerly. I couldn't believe it, this was actually happening. He moved closer to me and slid off his hospital gown to show his hot body. He leaned down to my level and bit my lower lip muttering "take the skirt off... Leave the stockings on."

I woke up with my face pressed against Jamie's neck, our legs tangled with each other's and my chest against his. This was how it was meant to be. He nuzzled my forehead muttering "I missed this... Being close to you.... Pleasing you." I blushed a really dark shade of red and hit him playfully "Mr Laing will you behave?" He smirked and I winked "I missed you pleasing me too." He grinned and chuckled and just when he was about to open his mouth to reply a nurse came in. I blushed staying under the covers while she checked on Jamie, she left and I quickly dressed

After a few minutes the nurse was back, she looked at me with a kind smile and then at Jamie "good news Mr Laing, you can go home, your vitals are fine and you seem to be recovering well. Just take it easy for a few days. No wild parties." I laughed shaking my head but then I noticed something. The nurse was attempting to flirt with him. He didn't seem to notice because his eyes were on me the entire time. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. I looked at the nurse smiling "thanks I'll help him get ready."

Finally we arrived at Proudlocks and I smiled at Jamie, he wrapped an arm around my waist and lifted me. I giggled clinging to him. I heard footsteps come from the stairway and I sighed stepping away. I smiled looking at Declan, he rubbed his eyes and Jamie stared at him shocked. Declan didn't look the same anymore. He had bags under his eyes due to the lack of sleep, his skin was really pale because he never left the house. And he had lost a ton of weight. The happy strong young man I had once known was dwindled to nothing. I sighed and hugged him tightly "how are you?" Declan sniffed and clung to me like an insecure kid.

He nodded at Jamie who awkwardly moved to the kitchen. Declan looked at me with pleading eyes "sleep in my room tonight... P-Please." I nodded and frowned dragging Declan to the kitchen "you need to eat something Declan. You look sick.... Lucy.... She wouldn't want this!" Declan cried hard and ran his hands through his hair shouting "don't tell me what she wouldn't want!!! You have NO idea! I loved her Hayleigh! I really loved her and she left. She's gone and she's never ever coming back!" I sighed and opened my arms. He clung to me sobbing and I kissed his head whispering "you can't do this to yourself. I.... I need you Declan. We need to stay strong. Stay undefeated. No matter what we have to stick together." Declan nodded and from that day on I vowed I'd make it all okay. I wasn't sure how. But I would.

What do you guys think so far? :D The picture gives me feels! Haymie forever! All I can say is more drama will rise soon. ;)

Untouchable: Book 2 in the Impossible Series.Where stories live. Discover now