A Mistake

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I was sitting in the lobby at Oscorp because Harry didn't trust me being at home alone. He was in a meeting and I was reading my magazine's. My favorite magazine's were always about flowers. Most of the time I brought my own magazine's. What I didn't like was the looks I was getting from people passing by. They were probably wondering what a teenager was doing in there building. I felt my anxiety rising. I felt like I was going to shout when I heard a familiar voice. "Are you okay Paris." I looked up and I saw Gwen Stacy smiling at me. "I'm okay, I just have a little anxiety problem." She smiled at me and sat beside me. "You know what usally helps me when I am anxious?" "What?" "I think of the kindest and most calming memory I have." I smiled at her. " Does it work." "It does if you find the right memory." I looked up at her. "Gwen why are you always so nice to me." She looked at me with a kind expression. "Because I care about you Paris. You are like the sister I never had." I smiled and hugged Gwen. "You are so kind Gwen. You are like a sister to me to." She gave me a hug. "I got to go now. If you ever need someone to talk to her is my phone number." "Thank you Gwen." "Yourwelcome Paris see you later." "See you later too Gwen." I smiled to myself and sat back down. "Paris." I looked up and saw my brother.


The meeting was shit. The nerve those people had to say those things. I was so pissed. I walked out and saw a scene that would normally make me happy but it didn't. I saw my sister chatting with one of my employees. They were basically saying how they were like sisters to each other. Normally I would be happy that Paris was making a friend but to me it seemed like the employee was trying to get Paris to replace me. After the employee left and Paris sat back down. What pissed me off the most was the fact that the employee gave Paris her phone number. "Paris." My sister looked up at me and smiled. Apparently she didn't know that I saw the whole seen. "Harry is the meeting over." "Yes Paris let's go home." My tone was a bit harsh and that scared her but at the moment I didn't care.

The drive home was silent and awkward. Paris knew to keep quiet when her brother was upset. When we finally got home Paris went to get a shower and get dressed. I went to the bar and started drinking. I don't know how many drinks I had before Paris came back. "Harry why are you drinking so much?" I turned around and looked at her. "Because Paris I had a bad day and when I have a bad day I drink my problems away." She looked at me confused. Oh how I hated when she did that. "What happened today to get you upset Harry." I looked at her with so much anger that she looked scared. And then I started shouting. "Oh I don't know Paris how about you trying to replace me with my own employee." "What are you talking about Harry." She sounded scared and I know I should of stopped there but I didn't. " I happened to overhear your little conversation with what's her name, Gwen Stacy that you think of her as a sister are trying to replace me Paris." She looked at me with a fear stricken face. " Harry she was helping me with my anxiety I would never replace you." "Oh yah what's the part about her being like a sister then her giving you her phone number." "She was just reassuring me if I ever needed someone to talk to call he-." She never got to finish because I threw a bottle at her. I didn't realize how bad it was until I heard a painful yelp. I turned around and my breath got caught in my throat. I saw Paris laying on the floor holding her face. When I saw her I noticed the blood on her face. The sight made me think of myself as a monster. "Paris." I tried reaching out to her but she flinched. I suddenly thought I was a monster. I was supposed to protect her not hurt her. Instead of helping her up I walked towards the bar and leaned against it. I didn't come back to reality until I heard the doors open and closed. I got up and ran towards the door. I opened the door and saw Paris running away. "PARIS, PARIS COME BACK HERE." I screamed but it was no use she was to far away. I clutched my chest and feel to my knees and cried. What did I just do. If I wasn't so drunk I would have chased after her. I closed the doors and then slowly passing out thinking what did I just do.

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