˚ ◍₊ * 3 ⋆◍ 。

Start from the beginning

"You're making it seem like I was perving on the kid or something. He came to me for your information." I stated matter of factly with a sassy roll of my eyes.

"Oh shit you actually pulled somebody? Honestly, I didn't think you had it in you." Felix said in false bewilderment.

The line went silent on both sides. I muttered an 'I'm hanging up on you', before pressing on the red 'end call' button, throwing my laptop to the edge of my bed.

Barely a few seconds had flown by before my ringtone blasted through the empty silence. I sighed and stretched to reach it, my fingers just barely grazing the touchpad, before gripping on to it, bringing it closer and pressing the green button, not even bothering to check the caller ID.

I brought the laptop towards my face as I rolled over onto my back, scowling at the giggling boy on my screen. Letting out a groan I ran a hand through my hair, trying my best to give him my undivided attention.

"Okay Okay, what was he like?" Felix asked with a sly smirk and an odd wiggle of the eyebrows.

"He was..." I paused, trying my best to find an accurate word to describe the unusual kid, "...cute? I don't know." I finished with a shrug if my shoulder.

"You are not serious. C'mon give me something more than that." He whined, slurring his words in his weird 'Felix' fashion.

"I seriously don't know what else you want from me nor do I know what you were expecting." I truthfully stated as I sat up, scratching my scalp, relieving an itch that I was too lazy to itch before.

"Oh my gash. At least describe the dude, what he looked like?" Felix desperately tried to get some sort of info out of me but that's all there was too it, the kid was just....cute.

"Listen, he was just cute, ok? He had like really unique eyes, almost like a fox? And he has a bright smile as well. Oh! And he has braces which are so adorable. And dimples. And-"

"Okay! I said describe the dude not give me each and every detail of his genetic make up." Felix cut me of with a hearty giggle.

"Omg ew why do you sound like me if I were in your position. Don't pick up my sense of humour, it's one of a kind, and certainly doesn't suit low-lives like you. Aren't I supposed to be the one who is condescending? Don't patronize me." I said with a accusing point of my finger. Before he can retaliate I continued "And you act as if you aren't a million and twenty-five times worse with the way you act when Changbin does so much as look at you." The boy on the other side went quiet.

"Knees be buckling and shit. Dang." I added to lighten the mood, making sure the sensitive boy knew that I was joking.

Felix couldn't help but laugh at the last part.

"Fine, I'll admit that I be tumbling and fumbling every time I see him. Have you seen those triceps? But, key word 'but', that's normal behaviour for me. What's your excuse?" Felix expressed with a cock of his chin.

"I find it funny that you consider that 'normal' behaviour." I sad with a scoff and a shake of my head.

"Speaking of Changbin I saw him today and Oh my lordie lord I could have been in the hospital due to cardiac arrest." Felix dramatizes while kicking his legs like a high-school girl with a crush. I mean that's technically the case but Felix is almost 18 and is going to be in college next year.

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