The DM • Chapter 1

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"Stop messing around. We have to focus on the task at hand!" Will says while Eleven and Max laugh and giggle.

"Okay look smarty pants, we know that you're the brains of our friend group, but we have other important things to worry about." Max says.

"That's not true! Will is right! We should just finish the science project- THEN, we can go back to looking at Robins' instagram." El utters.


Will, Max, and Eleven are basically the fruitiest friend group of Hawkins high. Although Will hasn't came out to anyone, (other than Max and El), people normally assume it. Mainly because he always hangs around lesbian girls.

Max and Eleven had became a couple 2 months ago, and always manages to show it. Holding hands, Posting pictures together, and much more. Will used to have another friend group, (of boys), but they never really had much in common. They never really liked to spend time with Will anyways because they were so caught up on sports etc.

What his old friends didn't know about him, was he liked one of them. Micheal Wheeler.


"Okay okay, guys, let's just finish the project, please." Will begs the girls.

"Fine" Max says as El nods their heads in agreement.

-Fast forward towards the end of the day, done with the project, out of school, at Wills house-

"Oh look look, in this one Robins' kissing her gf!" Max says pointing at her device.

"Aw they look so cute!!" El squeals.

"What are you guys lookin' at?" Will asks curiously.

"Robin Buckleys' instagram with her girlfriend, Vicky." Max implies.

Wills phone buzzed.

"Oh who's that?" El asks.

"Not sure?" Will muttered and picked up his phone.

@m1keyy4121 just followed you.

"Is that Micheal Wheeler?!" Max asks.

"OMGG WHAT" El says excitingly.

"Oh wow. I always stalk his insta but I never followed him? How did he even find my ig?" Will quickly starts questioning everything.

"Stop being so paranoid! Follow him back! DM HIM!" Max replies to Wills quick judgment.

The brunette boy looked back at his phone and unlocked it. He quickly swiped to instagram and opened his notifications to check if what he saw earlier was real. It was. He quickly followed back.

"Guys what do I even DM him!?" Will asks.

"I got this." Max snatches the phone from Will as both brunettes, El and Will, stare in shock.

"Hey no! Give it back you turd!" Will tries to reach for the phone but Max resisted.

It was hard for Max to type because of the chaos, still but managed.

"and.. mhmhm.. ehh.." Max kept mumbling as she typed.

"Done! Here Will." Max handed the phone back to Will.

"It was only a quick chat." Max managed to say.

"Oh you scary ginger, what did you do now.." Will quickly checks what Max had DMed.


@m1keyy4121: Hi

@willbyers_istg: Hello

@m1keyy4121: Do yk Eleven, she's your sister right?

@willbyers_istg: Yep why?

@m1keyy4121: She gave me your insta, I tried getting it from you in science but you were talking to Max atm

@willbyers_istg: Oh okay, but me and my friends were wondering if you wanted to come to my birthday

@willbyers_istg: It's on March 22, in 1 week

@m1keyy4121: Sure! Can I bring the old squad too? Yk, Dustin and Lucas?

@willbyers_istg: Sounds good!


"WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?" Will says in horror as he reads the digital screen.

"Eh, why not? He's bringing your old friends so.." Max mutters.

"I haven't spoke to them in so long though.." Will says starring in horror.

"It's okay guys! This will be fun!" El says.

"Just try to roll with it. You can cancel whenever!" Max says following.

"Fine" Will says.

"Oh you don't have to say else to Mike if you don't want to." Max insisted.

"I won't, thanks guys." Will replies while looking out of his window.

"Shit, it's getting late. My mom will flip" Max says while grabbing her coat.

Max gives El a goodbye kiss.

"Bye babe! Bye Willy!" Max says running out of the door.

"Bye!!" Will and El advance.

It was just a DM? | Byler & Elmax^Where stories live. Discover now