Tutor?! • Chapter 3

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Will's POV:

The next morning I felt fine. It was hard playing off the fact my crush didn't want to get to know me, but my bsf. It's okay though, right? Max is gay? El is gay! And El would be mad if Max went to Mike! All good!

I get up brush my teeth and hair, but on some clothes, and went downstairs.

"Hey honey, how was your sleep?" Joyce asks.

"It was fine!" I try to play off.

"Are you sure? You have eye bags?" Joyce says.

"I don't know mom. I'm just hungry. Please." I may or may not have snapped.

"Sorry okay." Joyce says

-Fast forward to school-

As me, Max, and El wait in front of the gate until school opens, we sit and gossip.

"Oh yeah, and I heard Angela and Tory got into a fight!" Max whispers.

"Yeah, yeah! I heard Angela gave Tory a black eye!" El says.

"What? No way.."
"Yes, yes way!"
"It was crazy."
"I actually saw it happen!"

We gossip more.

The bell rings and we all part our ways to class.

I'm in Exel math, El's in history, and Max is in PE.

I sit quietly as always and do my math work. Suddenly I feel eyes on myself. I quickly check if there are any stains on my clothes.


The brunette was wearing red shorts with a blue stripe on them. A tucked in, white shirt with the nirvana music logo, (one of his favs.) And black converses.

Not doubtful, his outfit was gorgeous! There was nothing wrong with it?


After class, of course, I'm always last. I like talking to the teacher about my work and stuff. But today, my teacher talked to me about another thing?

"Oh, also, Mr. Byers!" Mrs. Tina says.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Since you are in excel math, you are going to accept responsibilities!" She says.

I nod my head.

"So I might need a favor," my teacher tells me.

I nod again, this time slower and more confused.

"I need you to tutor a student!" Mrs. Tina says.

"Oh sure! Of course! Anything for you Mrs. Tina!" I say cheerfully.

"Don't you want to know who?" Mrs. Tina speaks.

"Oh yes of course." I say trying not to be tense.

"I would like you to meet, Micheal Wheeler!" Mrs. Tina says, pointing to the back of the classroom.

My eyes widen and I turn around in shock.

I turn around and Mike is still in his chair. He looks up at me with his sparkling dark eyes. His black curly hair and hanging over his forehead.

"Hey." Mike says in a low voice.

I got butterflies in my stomach. I blushed too.

I snap back into the real world. "I didn't know you were in this class?"

"I'm not, I was just sitting here trying to get used to the curriculum." Mike says.

Mike gets up from his seat and my teacher walks the both of us out of the classroom. We stand in the door way.

"Okay so, I guess you two already know each-other. Anyways, I will up your grade with extra credit if you do this, Byers. 1 week." Mrs. Tina tells me.

I could hardly focus on what she was saying because I noticed El and max squealing on the other side of the hallway looking and pointing at me and Mike. It was quite embarrassing because Mike noticed too.

"Byers?" My teacher snaps me to her focus.

"Got it?" She says.

"Yes, sorry. See you next class. Bye Mike. Bye Miss." I say walking towards El and Max.

"Sorry, was that Micheal Wheeler?!" Max finally says.

"YES IT IS!" I squeal.

"OMG??" Max says loudly.

"He's much hotter in persoooooon-" El nudges my shoulder.

"Oh shut up." I reply in annoyment and embarrassment.

-Fast forward to after school-


"Bye guys! Come over at 4 guys. I have to tutor at 3." I tell the girls.

"Okay." They both say.

"Have funnn~~" Max says jokingly.

"Oh shut up!!" I tell that ginger.


It was just a DM? | Byler & Elmax^Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ