"Does that make you mad?" Zach asks, walking towards me and grabbing my face.

I spit on him.

Zach wipes his face, glaring at me doing so, he brings his face right back down to my own, grabbing me with his dirty fingers.

"You," he bellows, "you are just like your mother, you make me want to kill you anytime  you piss me off."

"At least I'm nothing like you." I growl.

Suddenly, the room goes dark. Zach stands quickly, walking towards the door, he looks out into the hall way, red lights flicked on.

"What the fuck is going on?" Spencer yells.

"I'll be back." Zach mutters, exiting the room.

Spencer walks over to me, slapping me hard in the face as he crouches down.

"What the fuck did you do?"

I shake my head "what do you mean?"

He slaps me again.


I was so confused, and my cheek stung.

"Don't slap her again." Came Luke's voice, he stood in the doorway, legs crossed and his shoulder resting.

"Or what, Hemmings ?"

"Trust me, you'll be sorry." He sneers.

Spencer laughs. "And what are you going to do about, huh? I should tell Zach you're questioning my authority, he will have your mom dead in seconds."

"Don't say I didn't warn you." Luke snips, throwing his hands up in the air.

Spencer walks over to him, throwing Luke up against the door frame, he pulls his gun out and puts it to his temple.

"Who's going to do something about it, you obviously can't, and no one else is here to help you out, are they?"


I close my eyes, not wanting to look at what mess was probably ahead of me. I began to sob. I hear footsteps approaching me, my heart beat fast as to what was about to happen.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shout, eyes still closed, a pair of hands grabbed my shoulders, then soon cupped my face.


Oh god

Could it be?


Slowly opening my eyes, I'm met with Brendons face. He was cut up a bit. I look over his shoulder and feel slight relief when I realize Luke was still alive.

Spencer had been shot.

"I'm here baby, I'm here." Brendon smiles, "let's get you out of this shit."

He kisses my lips before going behind me, I hear the sound of a switch blade as he starts to pull on my hands, the rope that was once so tight starts to become loose as he begins to cut.

"Fucking hell," I hear him mutter, "we are going to get you fixed, don't worry."

Once my hands are finally free, I bring them to my chest, rubbing so gently on my wrists as they burned. Brendon comes back to my view, reaching down to my legs and cutting the rope off there.

"How did you find me?" I ask, Brendon looks up, pointing with his head to Luke.

"He let us know."

I look at Luke, he stayed at the door, probably on lookout, and lifted the side of his mouth.

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