ʙᴀɴᴅᴀɴɴᴀ ʙᴏʏ

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finney's pov...

ring...ring...ri- I snatched my phone of mg nightstand and quickly shut off my alarm. "Ugh.." I groaned miserably, considering today is my first day of school. Before I could even sit up, a certain someone barged into my room. "Rise and shine finney boy!" Gwen grinned. I roll my eyes and drag myself off my bed, "It's too early to be shouting gwen..." She shrugged carelessly and slammed the door shut. 

I really don't want to go to school. You see, last school I didn't have the best reputation. Let's just say I was was known for being a wimp and being...gay. It's hard to say but both are true. I'm really hoping this school  won't be as bad as the last school..

I shake off those dumb thoughts and rummage through my closet for some nice clothes. I end up deciding on wearing an oversized band-tee with a black long sleeve under, some baggy denim cargos, and black converse high-tops. "Finney! Are you done yet?!" Gwen shouts, her patience getting thin. "Yes..!" I shout back while grabbing my black jansport backpack. I speed walk out of my room and to the kitchen, where I see Gwen eating waffles and dad passed out on the couch, with a beer in his hand. 

I sigh quietly, not wanting to wake him up. "I made you some.." Gwen whispered. I give her a small smile, "Thanks." I sit down, plopping my backpack on the floor. I begin to eat quickly, not wanting to be late onto first day. That'd be embarrassing as hell. Once I finish my breakfast, I grab both of our plates and place them on the sink. I'll wash that later. I grab my backpack and walk to the front door, "You ready Gwen?" She nods and we walk out the front door. I think my anxiety is growing even more..

"You excited?" Gwen asks, a little excited. "Not really, I just hope it's not like the last school." I chuckle, even though nothing about my sentence was funny. Gwen just nods as she hums a random song I probably don't know. My feet randomly stop walking and my breath picks up. I stare at the school infront of me and Gwen, and all the people surrounding it. "You okay Finney?" Gwen asks, concern lining her voice. I just nod and begin walking inside. "You have your schedule right?" I look to Gwen and she nods. I take out my schedule as she does the same. We both frown as we realize we have no classes together. I was kind of expecting this though, considering I'm a sophomore and she's a freshman. I sighed quietly,  I'm never gonna make it to senior year..

As me and Gwen both walk through the halls I collide with something, scratch the someone. I stumble back a bit, almost falling down. I nervously look up, it was a tall tan boy, probably around 6'0. He had shoulder length jet black hair with a bandanna, a sleeveless shirt with a random band logo, and baggy jeans with a belt. My heart begins to beat faster and my legs tremble a bit. "I-I'm sorry.." I stutter nervously. "Watch where you're going...idiot." The bandanna boy scoffs and continues walking. "Jerk.." I mutter quietly. Gwen grabs my wrist and we both walk quicker than usual. "You okay?" I just nod, already off on the wrong foot with a guy who's probably at least 6 inches taller than me..

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