Chapter 2 I VOLUNTEER!

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Before I can stop myself, I run into the aisle made for Oriah just before she walks in. "I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!" I scream, my voice sounding harsh, as I'm trying to hold back the tears.
"WHAT?! NO! Mariah you ca...!" She screams, tears forming in her eyes.
"Oriah! Go find mum! Don't worry 'bout me! Just go back!" I interrupted her, my voice starts to break... No Mariah! Stay strong!
"But Maria..!" She starts. But she's cut of as a peacekeeper drags her away kicking and screaming. I don't want her to die, but then again I don't wanna die either!
"Well, well, well...!" Veronica exclaims "Looks like we have a volunteer!" She shrieks in her unusually high voice she has.
"OH SHUT UP WOULD YOU??! NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR YOUR VOICE!" I growl at her. She looks offended.
"Oh... Um...." She says. She obviously doesn't know how to reply.
"I'm sorry..." I mumble. I'm just sooo scared. I know I shouldn't have said that.... She's gonna make my life hell...!

I think this is where my nickname comes in. Yup you guessed it! Moping Mariah. Sorry folks, guess I'm not what you expected... Nor wanted!
"Now before I forget, we HAVE to draw for the boys!!!" She exclaims, putting plenty of emphasis on the word have.
Ugh, her happiness frightens me. How can she be sooo happy??! Hello news flash people are gonna die! Don't you know ANYTHING?! Your drawing names for a death match!

"Zachary Martin!" Her voice booms throughout the square, and one boy looks up, with a stricken look upon his face, looking like all the blood has gone. I kinda feel bad for him, then again this is The Hunger Games! Chances are someone else will kill him for me.
"Well come on up sweetie!" Her tone changes to a slighly impatient one. Sheesh, give the boy a break! He's already been given a one way ticket to death! It's not everybody's dream to be chosen! I kinda hope someone volunteers for Zachary, I mean he deserves better!
"Anyone want to volunteer for Mr. Martin?" I cross my fingers behind my back as she says that. Zachary sees and flashes me a weak smile.
"No?" She askes the crowd. The silence is horrible.
"Ok! Ladies and Gentlemen it gives me great honour to present the tributes from District 4! Mariah Odair and Zachary Martin!!" She exclaims, getting over excited... AGAIN!
We shake hands and turn to face our district. Stay strong Mariah! Then we're lead to the Justice Building. Otherwise known as the 'goodbye and see you die building'! We get rushed inside, then separated into different rooms. I run my fingers up and down the velvet couch that lies in the room and sit down.

My first visitor is Finnick Odair...

I feel so evil... I don't think that's a good thing either.
Amelia ❤️✌🏽️xx

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