𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞

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Chapter 1

Early July, Herbert Orphanage
Close to midnight

I'm not a hero, I can't save people for shit.

This was the conclusion I came up with after reviewing my recent circumstances.

I was 27, and a corporate slave last I remembered and now I'm suddenly in a world too dangerous to be taken lightly.

I've inhibited the body of a 16 year old witch in 1981 and she is a real witch that is a part of the famed Harry Potter Universe. Talk about luck.

Not really. She is currently in the attic of her Orphanage suffering from a cold. In my previous life, just the doubt of coming down with a cold would have sent me in panic but this period is different.

And it is not so bad to have a normal cold and not fear death. Says the person who already died. Jokes on me again.

Though in this case, is this girl dead? I have given quite a few monologues in my head and no alter ego has shown themselves. I shall wait for you dear Elena. Until then I will do my best to survive. And survive I will.

I'm not a Hero.

This thought has been on my mind because the war will end on October of this year. We are still in early days of July. I will be in Hogwarts during that night, with the other students enjoying the Halloween feast while the Dark Lord kills a family.

Most people in my position would want to save them. Do something. Help the innocent. Well yes, I too wish to help them but at what cost. And what comes after I help them. They will live which is nice and all but so will the Dark Lord and his followers.

It may have been too long since I remembered the plot but I know that without the Potter's death the Dark Lord would win the war. With him winning, people like me would be pretty much hunted and most definitely killed.

I also read those fanfictions where Harry travels back in time to save his parents. Honestly he could do it because of his powers and emotional attachment. But I have neither.

I thought of writing an anonymous Letter to Dumbledore about the horcruxes but again, I'm not shrew enough to do it discreetly, I could be found out easily, since for one I have no owl or the money for the Owl post and second I would be caught if I used the owls at Hogwarts.

So I do what I can, which in this case is nothing. My involvement would only bring ruin.

Therefore I mustn't be a Hero

For one I don't feel so bad about my decision. I don't know these people, and these people don't know me. My involvement could kill hundreds of children like me or younger. So I don't feel so guilty. Though I feel terribly scared.

What if I accidentally say or do something that might cause a ripple effect?

What if Dumbledore reads my mind?

Honestly out of all I'm most scared of being involved with Dumbledore. I will have to take every precaution that I do not make eye contact and give him reasons to be wary of me. The best way would be to get some Occlumency books and start practicing.

I know it is an obscure branch but I better try. Also since he is a Headmaster as well as a War Marshall, I doubt he would notice. I will just have to not be conscious of him. Ignore him, be nonchalant and mind my own business. It would work because I'm a Ravenclaw. Ravenclaws generally keep to themselves.


I wonder if this transmigration or rebirth whatever was a one off thing or an accident, I mean just because I won't help Potter tragedy doesn't mean I won't do anything. There's no way I would allow a child to be abused. Now I know my limitations and I have to be careful about my actions so that I don't get caught.

If I do get caught, by the Death Eaters then I'm dead; and by the Aurors I'll be in azkaban or something. To them my life isn't important obviously I'm a nobody to them, and I hold very important information about the world that could save or destroy people.

Since they have families and people they cherish I would be like an enemy. Well I don't feel for them either. I can't bring myself to.

My mind is wandering again, I can feel my headache coming back. It's okay deep breaths, you will be fine. Even if you are all alone, you can get through this.

This is a once in a lifetime chance you know, to have magic. We might as well enjoy the ride. Deep breaths we can do this. Baby steps. Help yourself it's okay.


A few days later, early morning

My cold got better and I've been allowed out of the attic. There are quite a few people going about their days, vintage cars too, which reminds me that now I'm vintage too. I so need to get my hands on stuff sold during these times I know they would make me rich on eBay later.

Planning and plotting is necessary.

"You can get your porridge and bread Elena!" Said one of the caretaker.

I broke out of my thoughts and got the breakfast with a quick thank you.

There were a total of 32 children in the orphanage, some younger ones shared rooms and the older ones usually left when they turned 15. They either work in factories or shops for meager wages. We never get to see them again.

Yes the child labour laws still have some time to come. Ideas started running through her head to work around these.

I ate my breakfast in relative silence, there were only a few kids at the moment, I was the oldest in the orphanage so I got left alone.

Apparently Elena had been kind enough to give up her room on the condition that she would be allowed to stay here till she finished school.

She would be here for two months out of twelve so there was no need to save her a room when other kids could use it.
The matron was surprised when she proposed this but had agreed with the conditions easily. Good girl Elena.

The attic had privacy even if it had no bed, it had been cleaned so there weren't any bugs too but the dusty old smell remained. It served her fine really.

She could study till late and no one would bother her, the light from the window was enough to read till late. An old mattress had been arranged for her and her Hogwarts trunk worked as her desk. It will do.

For now.

She asked if the caretaker needed help and was answered in negative. She took a mug filled with water to her attic and started to review the material.


I do not own Harry Potter Universe or any characters in it.
I own the character Elena Morgan.

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