"nothing much."

copying felix chenle pulled the cracked chair that was across from felix and sat "you sure about that?"

"yeah," sending chenle a strange look felix opened the novel so he could read a little bit of it "pretty sure."

"interesting. i heard different actually." chenle muttered, felix lifting the book just enough to slightly cover his face.

"did you?" flipping the first page over felix hummed thoughtfully.

"yup. jeno was telling me jeongin said-"

"that we kissed?"

pausing chenle tilted his head "what-"

"it was a small kiss so before you start teasing—you weren't talking about that were you..?" realizing that his friend definitely wasn't talking about his and jeongins shared kiss felix cursed. chenles lips slowly stretching into a smirk "you and jeongin kissed again?"

"no—i didn't say that. i'm not sure—that's not what was said." denying his friend in hopes chenle would think he somehow misunderstood felix smiled awkwardly.

"you whore! was it good? did you use tongue? did you have sex?" snickering the boy wiggled his brows suggestively, felix flushing at the mere thought.

"zhong chenle!"

"hey sh, we're in a library." chenle said mocking felix with a shit eating grin.

"i'm not saying anything." felix mumbled trying to ignore his friend.

"no no, i won't tease you for now," placing his chin on his palm chenles smug grin turned pretend innocent "but i am curious to know something."

"what?" figuring his friend was just going to continue his teasing felix huffed, his brain prepared for something silly to come out of the latters mouth.

"have you finally realized it?"

"realized what? that you're annoying? because if so then yeah—im a few years past the point." felix said with a straight face. chenle sending him a blank look "y'know what i'm talking about."

"i don't actually."

"aish, i mean have you finally come to terms that you're madly in love with your roommates?" chenle asked with no traces of teasing whatsoever.

snorting felix rolled his eyes "you're funny."

"i know that. this wasn't a joke though."

"m'not in love with anyone chenle." placing the book down felix sent his friend a be serious look, his phone vibrating at the exact same moment and saving him from furthering his conversation with the boy.

"hold on." holding a hand up before chenle could even open his mouth again felix skillfully slid his phone out of his pocket and answered the call without checking.

gritting his teeth in annoyance ( being shushed wasn't his thing) chenle leaned back and watched felix.


"hi! it's um—jisung," giggling slightly in an attempt to not sound weird the bubbly boy cleared his throat after a moment "i was calling you to see if you wanted to go somewhere with me?"


"yeah—like in twenty minutes today." jisung mumbled scrunching his nose, his foot nudging changbins thigh some. said male ignoring him completely and continuing to watch the movie minho put on.

"um," glancing at chenle felix squinted "sure. i'd love to actually."

trying not to act surprised the boy sat up quickly, minho sighing in relief as his heavy head weight was moved.

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