#24. Stupid girl

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Scene shifts to a table where two people laugh and share coffee.

"God, I can't believe I'm in love, yaar," Reyansh exclaimed.

"Reyansh, look at you. You're behaving like a love-sick teenager," the girl teased.

"But are you sure she loves me too?" Reyansh asked nervously.

"Oh come on, I'm sure Siya loves you too," she reassured him.

"Still, I'm nervous. How will she react?" Reyansh admitted, feeling jittery about proposing to his wife.

"Don't get nervous. Just confess your feelings, make her feel special. Trust me, she'll say those three magic words to you too," the girl encouraged, patting his shoulder.

"I hope so. You know I just love her. I love her crazily," Reyansh expressed his feelings, his heart fluttering at the thought of proposing to Siya.

Reyansh entered the room with a bouquet of red and white roses, ready to confess his feelings. Knocking on the door, he received no response. Concerned, he used the spare key to open the door, only to find Siya packing her belongings. Tears streamed down her face, and her red nose indicated recent crying.

"Siya, what happened? Why are you crying?" Reyansh asked, rushing to her side after placing the flowers on the table.

Siya gave him a hurtful look, jerking away from his attempt to wipe away her tears.

"Don't touch me," she warned, moving toward the cupboard and packing her things.

"Siya, anything happened? Why are you packing your clothes? Please tell me," Reyansh pleaded, his tone filled with worry.

"I said, don't touch me!" Siya yelled, pushing away his hands and giving him a disgusted look. She continued packing, sobbing uncontrollably, leaving Reyansh bewildered and desperate for answers.

His train of thought shattered as he observed Siya gathering her belongings, preparing to leave the room. Reacting swiftly, he hurried towards her and grasped her wrist, pulling her back into the room and securing the door.

"Siya, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Did I do something to hurt you?" Reyansh's concern and panic were evident as he implored her for an explanation.

Desperate for answers, he attempted to touch her, but she recoiled, as if repulsed by his presence.

"Reyansh, can't you understand? I told you not to touch me. Stay away from me," Siya erupted, her emotions boiling over.

Pleading with her, Reyansh implored, "Say something, please. You're making me worried. What happened?"

"I won't touch you, okay? Everything was fine this morning. What changed so suddenly? And why are you packing? Where are we going?" Reyansh questioned, trying to maintain a calm tone.

"Not we. Just me. I don't want to stay with you anymore. I'm going back home," Siya declared, attempting to leave, but Reyansh obstructed her path once again.

"I don't understand what's happening. But I won't let you go alone. You want to leave? Fine, let's go together," Reyansh insisted.

"I don't want to go anywhere with you. Just go away!" Siya yelled in frustration.

Annoyed, Reyansh retorted, "What's wrong with you? I'm trying to talk calmly, and you're testing my patience. Calm down, and tell me where I went wrong."

"You don't need to handle me with patience anymore, Mr. Malhotra. I'm leaving you forever. I want a divorce!" Siya declared, leaving Reyansh in shock.

"Divorce?" he exclaimed, bewildered.

"Yes. I can't live with you anymore, Mr. Malhotra. I'm going to divorce you," Siya affirmed, attempting to walk away.

Reyansh couldn't believe his ears. Was she really going to divorce him? Before she could open the door, he cornered her against the wall.

"You've made a significant decision. Tell me why. I won't let you leave without explaining," Reyansh warned, his eyes revealing the hurt he felt.

Defiantly, Siya stated, "You want to know why? It's because of your infidelity. I want a divorce because of your affair."

"Infidelity? What are you talking about?" Reyansh was shocked.

Siya continued, "I saw you proposing to another woman, professing your love and hugging her."

Reyansh closed his eyes, frustration building up. "That's it? You saw us together, and without even talking to me, you decide to divorce me?"

"Yes. I don't even want to see your face after what I saw," Siya declared angrily.

"Fine, go ahead and divorce me," Reyansh said, shocking her.

As she left, cursing him, Reyansh couldn't comprehend her actions. "Why is she so foolish?" he muttered, rushing out of the room.


Frantically searching for Siya in the hotel, Reyansh questioned staff and even went outside, repeatedly calling her name. His anger transformed into worry, fearing he might have lost her in an unfamiliar city.

"Where could that stupid girl be?" he wondered aloud, contemplating calling the police.

Just as he was about to make the call, a cheerful voice called out, "Reyansh!" He turned and his eyebrows furrowed  as he see the person who just called him and next he let out a sigh seeing Siya, who was giving him a nervous smile.

Suppressing his anger, Reyansh gritted his teeth, determined to confront Siya privately and give her a piece of his mind. 

A/N : Hi lovelies!

A very Happy New Year to all of you!!

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With love,

Zysha 💖

Our Beautiful LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora