"Malaysia's Independence Day. Malaysia has been independent for 65 years already since 1957."

"Ohh, sounds interesting," Diana said as she yawned.

After a while of driving, Aidan reached Air Itam, a very crowded small town in Penang, especially during the Independence Day season. Aidan managed to find a parking spot and they both got out of the car. They headed for a coffee shop, or what the locals call it, Kopitiam to let Diana try out a bowl of Penang Laksa. As their bowls reached their table, Diana started digging in without hesitation. 

"Hungry much?" Aidan sarcastically said. 
"And tired," Diana added.

Aidan chuckled as he ate his Laksa. 

"How is your family?" Aidan asked
Diana remained silent for a short while and said, "My parents are alright." Aidan could see she was slightly sad so he didn't ask further.

Once they were done, they returned back to their car and Aidan drove to his apartment. Aidan helped her carry her luggage as they reached the elevator. Upon reaching his apartment unit, he opened the door, which led to a tidy living room and three bedrooms which were tidy as well. 

"Wow, you are clean!" Diana said
"Don't be too overly excited, I tidied everything up before you came," Aidan said whilst chuckling. He then guided her to a room which had a bed and an empty closet with a portrait of  Michael Schumacher in his championship-winning Ferrari F2002.

"Simple but good enough, you don't have to unpack much, we are leaving tomorrow," Aidan said to Diana. To which she nodded in return.

The next afternoon, they drove on the north-south highway to Kuala Lumpur. 

"The Ro... what's that food called again?" Diana said.
"Roti Bakar, just say toast bread," Aidan replied.
"Ahh yes, Roti Bakar with whatever that brown colour spread was delicious!" 
"That would be kaya spread."

They continue along the highway. Diana saw the sign that showed a rest stop in 1km. 

"Could we stop for a toilet break?" She requested.
"Sure, I do want to rest from driving so long," Aidan added.
"Do you want me to drive?" Diana asked jokingly.
"Trust me, I don't want you anywhere near the steering wheel," Aidan remarked sarcastically.

Aidan pulled up at the rest stop and was lucky enough to find a spot. He parked up and both of them headed to their respective toilets. Aidan got out first and decided to head to one of the stalls that were selling assorted fruits. He decided to buy one for both of them to share.

As he returned to his car, sirens blared and loud rumbles were heard. Turning to see the highway, he saw army trucks heading south towards possibly Kuala Lumpur, there were at least 10 of them which surprised the people at the rest stop. But since it will be the Merdeka Parade in Kuala Lumpur, everyone shrugged it off. Soon, Diana returned from the toilet.

"Here are some fruits we can share," Aidan said as she handed her the box of mixed fruits.

"Is this your way of saying you want me to feed you?" Diana asked.

Aidan smirked and said, "I've been caught." as they entered the car.

"You better repay for this." Diana pouted.

As they got close to Kuala Lumpur, the news was read on the radio.

The news reporter said, "The United Nations has approved a new resolution concerning Malaysia and The United States amid the increase of military activity at the Malaysia-Thailand border, Malaysia-Singapore border and the Malaysia-Kalimantan border. The contents of this resolution are unknown and are heavily protected from the public...... "

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