𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏: 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐀𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐨

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The Grand Line's notorious terror, The Crimson Blade, struck fear into the hearts of pirates far and wide. Legend had it that victims would catch a fleeting glimpse of crimson before succumbing to unconsciousness. This Vice-admiral was renowned for their ability to cleave opponents in a single, precise stroke of their katana. While they didn't actively pursue pirates, the mere mention of the Crimson Blade sent shivers down pirate's spines.

"Vice Admiral Kamado has returned!"


"Vice Admiral!"

The cheers of their subordinate marines greeted the 19-year-old Vice Admiral (Y/N) upon their return from a mission. (Y/N) couldn't help but offer a sweet smile to their enthusiastic co-workers.

(Y/N)'s iconic kitsune mask adorned the side of their face, revealing just enough to pique curiosity. To the public, their face remained a mystery, hidden behind the enigmatic mask. However, a fortunate few among their subordinates had been blessed with the opportunity to gaze upon the stunning visage that lay behind it.

While most viewed the Vice-Admiral as an imposing figure who wore a mask as a symbol of their authority, others had been privileged to witness a breathtakingly beautiful person beneath it. (Y/N) would occasionally grace them with a warm, kind smile that had the power to make even the most wicked souls contemplate redemption.

As (Y/N) made their way toward their office, a familiar voice called out to them.


As (Y/N) turned around, their gaze fell upon KOBY, a former marine chore boy who had once trained diligently under their grandparent, Vice Admiral Garp, before eventually rising to the rank of captain.

The first time (Y/N) had laid eyes on Koby, he had been a scrawny and notably shorter boy compared to them. However, after enduring Garp's relentless training regimen, it was evident that Koby had not only grown taller but also become considerably stronger and more physically fit than before.

Koby's cheeks flushed a shade redder as he looked up at (Y/N), the person he deeply admired for their unwavering dedication and that kind, enchanting smile of theirs.

"V-Vice Admiral Garp has requested your presence in Water 7."

"Very well, then. Lead the way, Koby."

as they walked side by side, the air was filled with a comfortable silence occasionally interrupted by subtle glances from Koby. He couldn't resist stealing glances at (Y/N)'s face, captivated by their presence.

After a peaceful ten-minute stroll, they reached Garp's position, where he stood atop his unmistakable marine ship, sporting the iconic dog-faced prow.


GARP engulfed his grandchild in a hearty bear hug before gently releasing them.

"So, Gramps, why are we setting sail for Water 7?" (Y/N) inquired.

"Well, brat, we're on our way to see Luffy!" Garp beamed with excitement.

(Y/N)'s smile widened with eager anticipation as they looked forward to the reunion with Luffy, nearly three years having passed since their last encounter. They couldn't help but hope that Luffy had grown even stronger during their time apart.

After docking in water 7.........

A short while later, the marine ship docked in Water 7, and marines swarmed the area. Luffy and his crew were resting after their gruelling battle with CP9 when suddenly, a portion of the building's wall crumbled, revealing a figure wearing a dog helmet.

Before the Straw Hat Pirates could react, the helmeted figure dashed past them and delivered a swift smack to Luffy's head.


LUFFY jolted awake, a small bruise forming on his forehead.


Upon the sudden intrusion, ZORO and SANJI instinctively assumed fighting stances, their muscles tensed and ready to protect their already battered captain from any potential threat.

The man then started to remove his helmet revealing to be 'The hero of the Marines: Vice-Admiral Garp'


Before the Straw Hat Pirates could fully comprehend what their captain just said, another figure entered through the shattered wall. This person rushed toward Luffy and embraced him tightly.


Luffy was bewildered by the marine's sudden affectionate gesture, but when he looked into their eyes, he saw someone he never expected to see again.


Luffy returned the hug with equal fervour, his eyes glistening with tears. His crewmates watched in shock as their captain came close to shedding tears.

Luffy, overwhelmed by emotion, hugged (Y/N) multiple times, nearly squeezing the life out of them.

"(Y/N)!! I-IS IT REALLY YOU?!?! I haven't seen you in so long!"

Luffy's voice wavered, and he looked on the brink of tears. Swiftly, (Y/N) retrieved a small napkin and wiped away his tears.

"I'm glad you're doing alright, Luffy it's been a long time hasn't it?."

(Y/N) couldn't contain their affection and playfully ruffled Luffy's hair, evoking a bright grin from their long-missed friend.

(Y/N) turned their gaze to Luffy's crewmates. The Straw Hat Pirates couldn't help but be entranced by (Y/N)'s captivating presence, though they remained baffled about the relationship between this marine and their captain.

Zoro took a step forward and asked, "Oi, Captain, who is this?"

Luffy's words faltered as he struggled to define his connection with (Y/N). The emotions he felt were different compared to how he treated Ace with brotherly affection.

"Hey, Luffy, are you okay?"

(Y/N)'s voice snapped Luffy out of his thoughts.

"Oh, yeah!"

"You still haven't told us who they are." NAMI posed with a sassy stance, demanding an explanation.

Placing a reassuring hand on Luffy's shoulder, (Y/N) smiled gently.

"My name is (Y/N) Kamado, and you could say I knew Luffy when we were children and I consider him a dear childhood friend."






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