Chapter 3: Required Cabinet Jewelry

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Eleven days passed since Tenebrus' night with Draco.

As exams approached, Tenebrus waded through mounds of homework, practice, and study. His self-appointed title as a "Master of Charms" made his studies in Impractical Charms & Their Practical Uses not only undemanding, but so enjoyable that Tenebrus struggled to focus on any other class. The biological makeup of the medicinal plants studied in Herbology, and the intricate historical details of famous animagi in Transfiguration class, gave Tenebrus the most trouble — with no irony lost on him.

Tenebrus was also beginning to regret co-founding the revived Dueling Club at the beginning of term. The club's finale event neared — a round-robin tournament featuring a guest judge from Professor McGonagall — and the organizational tasks demanded of him were overwhelming. In addendum, Tenebrus ran the Dueling Club with a very welcoming, new-student friendly culture. As such, to Tenebrus' dismay, many of the first and second-year members liberally asked for his attention in private tutoring.

Compounding Tenebrus' crammed schedule, was Draco attending to his. Keeping him busy was his own exam preparation, duties as prefect, posse of Slytherin friends, and mysterious absences (that Draco insisted on keeping secret). During this hiatus, the most interaction with Draco that Tenebrus could hope for was the occasional, momentary knowing looks they gave each other while passing in the corridors. During a particularly weak moment, Tenebrus was caught gawking at Draco from the other side of the courtyard one afternoon.

"What are you doing?" Amanda Brocklehurst, a fellow sixth-year Ravenclaw, had asked tensely. She nudged Tenebrus on the shoulder.

Tenebrus had startled, pulling his gaze away from Draco eating lunch with Crabbe, Goyle, and Zabini. His entire body was drooping and his mouth had been gaping dumbly.

"Eh— er, what?" Tenebrus asked, disorientated.

"Don't stare," Mandy continued. "What is this, your first day? Do you want to be the next Katie Bell?"

Tenebrus forced a weak smile, "no— yeah— of course not." Tenebrus looked down at his open textbook on his lap. Then suddenly, the lost meaning of Brocklehurst's words hit him. He straightened back to attention and asked with a raised brow, "wait— what are you talking about?"

Amanda crossed her arms, "Katie Bell— when she was cursed earlier this year."

"Yeah? I know," Tenebrus said, an edge of frustration lining his tone, "what about that?"

"You didn't hear?" Amanda asked, suddenly lowering her voice into a whisper. She stole a glance at the Slytherin crowd, "Malfoy was the one behind it. He almost killed her! Just because he wants to sabotage the Gryffindor team this year!"

Tenebrus looked at her blankly, "what in the world are you talking about?"

"How do you not know, Tenebrus? Get your head out of your books sometime. I swear!" Amanda playfully pushed him. "This was all months ago, right? Well, I heard from Goldstein and Cornfoot, who heard from Macmillan, that Midgen saw—"

"—whatever!" Tenebrus interrupted sourly, slightly harsher than he anticipated. "Those are just rumors, Mandy. Trying to kill someone over Quidditch? Right— Malfoy isn't even on the team anymore."

Amanda harumphed. "Does that matter? You know Slytherin. I wouldn't put it past them, especially Malf—"

"—well, I would put it past Draco!" Tenebrus argued sorely. "Far past him."

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