Chapter 35 - Evelyn

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Evelyn returned to the vampire mansion a few days after the meeting with Faye. She slowly and tiredly dragged her feet as she made her way down the familiar hall. When she walked into the office, she quickly noticed Willow and Lucius were smiling and laughing while having a drink. Eve moved to the liquor cabinet and poured herself a drink. The two hushed as they watched her. She noted her mother whispering that she looked tired. She was in fact feeling quite tired, she knew she had been awake for far too long. She took her glass and tossed her cloak onto a chair before she flopped into the seat not caring to be ladylike.

"You look exhausted, Eve. When was the last time you slept?" Lucius asked curiously. She looked over to him tiredly and shrugged a little.

Willow raised a brow and cleared her throat. "Merrick did not return with you, I take it the meeting was successful?"

Eve sipped her drink and nodded. "I was able to work a deal for Merrick to attend Ravenwood."

Willow tried not to look surprised. She had been training Eve for such tasks for decades and had every faith in her to be able to negotiate on Willow's behalf. "Lucius, could you excuse us please?" He nodded to her and rose to his feet. He playfully rubbed his hand in Eve's hair before exiting the room. "What's the damage? I can't imagine it was a cheap price."

Eve nodded a little to her mother. "Eight thousand a semester. She originally started at twenty-five a year but then she rethought it and reduced her offer."

"That seems uncharacteristic of her, why the reduction?"

Eve sighed a little. "The offer was eight thousand and I am to become the official ambassador between her and yourself. Now that I think about it, it's not that great of an honor. I mean I am the only other vampire that can go back and forth."

Willow gasped at the notion. "Eve, I do not like this one bit. It's bad enough I sent you in there for this task, I don't want you in there on a regular basis. Besides, we could use a human or even Merrick that could handle it."

"Yes but Faye and more importantly, our aunt Raven, wanted me specifically." She noticed her mother cringe and a look of fear washed over her. "And I willingly accepted it. This is what you have been training me to do. It was my choice. I could have refused and counted her with a higher tuition fee but the thought made me feel important. Plus Faye said the same thing you did, a storm is coming and we need to be united to face it head on. This 'truce' between our two cultures allows us to focus on what's coming."

Willow sat back into her chair and pondered on her daughter's words. She realized the girl had made a point. It was ultimately her decision, albeit a bold one. It was uncharacteristic of the old Eve, but the new Eve was starting to build some confidence. "So if Merrick was accepted to the school and started immediately, why did it take you a couple days to return?"

"I've been busy helping Yagashi. He's trying to finish some work before a big art show in a week. So what were you and Lucius talking about that had you both in a giddy mood?" she asked her mother as she sipped her drink once more.

"Lucius met someone that he believed could become serious."

Eve looked at her mother to study her face. "I thought that would make you sad."

"Heavens no. I mean Lucius is fun, but he's not really my type. Plus the whole, different stations problem would be a logistical nightmare. I'm happy for him, honestly. If there is a certain mister or misses right out there, I can wait. I have nothing but time." Willow smiled at eve reassuringly.

"As long as the world doesn't end first."

"Yes, there is that. Anyways, back to Lucius's question." She could see how extra pale her daughter's skin looked, almost thin. Bags had formed under her eyes. "When was the last time you entered the sleep?"

Eve felt herself become a little nervous. She knew her mother would not like the answer once it slipped past her lips. "Almost two months now."

"Evelyn! Are you trying to go feral?" Willow rose to her feet in both a show of authority and concern.

Eve sank into her chair slightly feeling the shadow loom over her. "I've been really busy and haven't really found the time. Plus, Yagi doesn't know about the sleep yet. I didn't know how he would handle it. Plus there isn't really room in his place for a coffin, nor would it really go with the aesthetics either." She saw her mother curiously raise an eyebrow. "Yagashi asked me to move in with him. I haven't officially given him an answer yet."

Willow sat back down into her chair as her face softened slightly. "Why the hesitation, Eve?"

"Well, I am worried that if I did, you would be sad."
Willow sighed softly and smiled slightly. "The heart wants what the heart wants as they say. I knew if your relationship had become serious, this would happen. I want you to be happy, not worry about me sweetie. Your room will always be there, untouched. You also work for me so we will still see each other every day Evelyn. You can keep your coffin here for when you need it."

"Thank you mother for the kind words," Eve said as she smiled and put a little bit of life back into her cheeks.

"Now, the question is, how have you managed to put it off this long with no one noticing?"

Eve sighed a little. "Lots of blood for visuals and uppers for energy."

Willow shook her head and sighed. "Finish your drink and go to sleep Evelyn. I will inform Yagashi of what is going on and explain it to him. He needs to know this about our kind. I wouldn't be surprised if you are going to be under for days."

They conversed for a few moments longer before Eve had realized her glass was empty. She sighed and excused herself and left the office. As she walked down the halls, she thought about her memories of living there. She entered her room and looked around. She loved her room, it was her favorite place in the world, although that was slowly being taken over by Yagashi's apartment. She loved her desk, her reading chair, her bed, the incense burning lightly in the room. She felt sadness that she might be passing it all up, if she moved in with her lover.

She was sitting on the bed while wearing pajamas when there was a soft knock on the door before Sherri walked into the room. "I was told that the little Miss should be getting ready for the sleep."

She smiled at her and nodded a little. "I'm getting there, just daydreaming a little. Yagashi asked me to move in with him but I told my mother I don't truly want to leave all this."

"And what did she say about that?"

"Basically, I will always have a place here. That she expected it. That my room will always be here. I love my room."

Sherri smiled at her and sat beside her. "She's right. This is your bedroom. It will always be here. Think of it like this, this room and the garden can be your escape place. Boys have man caves and camping lodges to escape from the daily grind. This could be your place to go if you need to step away."

Eve smiled and nodded to Sherri. "You both have made good points." Sherri moved to a panel on the wall next to bed, placed a hand on it and pressed hard. There was a small click and pop as a mechanism disengaged and the panel creaked open. She pulled the panel open to reveal a coffin that was standing almost upright as it leaned against an inner wall. It was made of ebony wood ornate with silver inlays. She opened the casket's lid revealing the crushed burgundy velvet interior. There was a small cloth doll laying at the foot of the box. Eve picked it up and hugged it as she stepped into the box. She smiled one last time at Sherri as she started to close the door. Darkness enveloped Eve as the lid closed shut and she could hear the wall panel latch next. Sleep washed over her as she closed her eyes.

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