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Sitting on his bed shirtless as Cat handed him a laptop he sighs

"So you're telling me that ass hat is in charge of my law firm?" Alexander says looking at the new chain of command

"Yes he's been making a lot changes...such as forcing members who didn't agree with him out of the firm" Felicia explains to Alex who nods

"He's getting rid of the thing I built it on...putting the guilty away while giving benefits to the victims" Alexander says before laying back

"Yes...I'm afraid so he's bringing just as much if not more money than when you were in charge" Felicia states before she  laid back on the bed

"...Alex you're not going to tell him are you?" Felicia questions him

"Why would I?...come on we have to get to the firm...my lips are sealed," Alexander says sitting up before he goes and finds his suit

Coming out looking fresh Alex looked at the freshly looked Felicia Hardy who was sitting on his bed waiting for him

"You look like a new person"

"Well what can I say...I just wanted to look good for someone" She says smiling seductively

"Oh really?" Alexander says closing the distance between them

"Your boyfriend is a really lucky dude" Alexander whispers into her ear making her giggle

"*Giggle* He really is" She says with a beautiful giggle making Alexander smile while he grabs the tablet off of the bed

"Let's get going" Alexander says making her nod following him out of the house back to the limbo

"Although the statistics say he makes just as much profit as mine...if you look really closely...this data looks altered" Alexander says to Felicia before passing her the tablet

"Yes now that you mention it...some of the data does seem off....weird, I'll look into it" She says staring intently at the screen

"Something wrong Felicia?" Alexander says noticing her staring at the screen making her snap out of her daze

"Yes I'm alright I'll get started immediately" She says before swiping on the laptop

"Good...I want to want to know what he's been up to" Alexander says with a serious expression as after a while they arrived at a huge building

The Sign read Osborn and Allen making Alex smirk at it

"He even had the audacity to switch our names around...hahaha" Alexander says while chuckling to himself as Felicia went beside him

"Ready Boss?" Felicia says with a teasing smile making Alexander put his hand on her head

"You know it Assistant" Alexander says as they both walked inside inside the building making everyone shocked as they saw their presumed dead boss

Everyone looked shocked as Alex and Felicia walked pass them with Alexander waving at a few of them

"Wow I feel like a Celebrity...don't you?" Felicia says she and Alex got on to an elevator

"I'm already a celebrity...but you look like the most stunning model I've ever seen" Alexander says making her giggle

"*Giggle* I could say the same thing for you" She says biting her lip looking at him

"Thank you Mrs.Hardy" Alexander says making her confused

"I'm not even Married Alex" She says making him smile at her

"Not yet" He says shocking her as the elevator door opened and they both walked out making all eyes turn toward him and Felicia

"isnt that...Alex?" People started to whisper amazed as they walked toward an office

*Knock* *Knock* Alexander knocks before he walks into the office seeing a man that had his back turned

*Knock* *Knock* Alexander knocks before he walks into the office seeing a man that had his back turned

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"Get out...Im in the middle of doing business" He says not turning towards them

"Hmm Now Norman...you wouldn't talk l
that way to your boss would you?" Alexander questions making the shocked Norman Osborn shocked

Norman turned around quickly dropping his phone to the ground seeing the man he thought was dead staring right at him

"A-a-alexander...how?" He questions him shocked before Alexander walked right up to him and hugged him patting his back

"Old friend it's good to see...hows it been going" Alexander says with making Norman chuckle nervously

"I-I've been good...you?" Norman questions still shocked

"You know...A couple of scars...a couple of bruises...nothing serious...crazy huh?" Alexander says as he let go of the hug looking the man right in the eyes

"Y-yeah crazy...so Alexander...what are you going to do n-now?" He questions

"Isn't it obvious...im coming to take back what's mine" Alex says with a smile before walking to the window

"I'm coming to take back my Kingdom"

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