Chapter 2 - Uncertain Future

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_ "Anyway, it's here where is our home now. And we'll do everything to defend it."

_ "Well said, bro." G-Stealer replied, gently bumping his fist against Kita's, as a sign of friendship.


Further into the forest, at the base of the SRDO, Awa walked silently on one of the metal walkways allowing the patrols to make rounds on the heights around the main building. She was however alone at this late hour, but not for long. A swarm of black and green flies arrived, grouping together to form Mana's body which materialized in front of her.

_ "Lady Awa. Ox told me you wanted to talk to me." said the pastor of darkness, greeting her with a brief but respectful bow.

_ "Indeed, Mana." replied the countess, returning the salutation with a nod. "Come with me."

Intrigued and seeing her leave, Mana followed her. Awa then used her power of levitation on her, but also on Mana, the two monsters now floating in the air. Awa guided the pastor to one of the windows on the top floor of the base's main building, finally arriving in front of a window covered by a curtain blocking his view of the interior.

_ "Take my hand." Awa said softly.

Mana, trusting her, did so, and the countess used another power to make them both as transparent as ghosts, allowing them to pass through the window and the wall and enter the building.

They were in a modest sized room resembling a bedroom. In a single bed, under the sheets and dressed in her nightgown, the girl named Sarah slept soundly. Three years ago, Sarah had been brought here to be helped by Awa to better master her power based on emotions, but especially on her imagination, allowing her to create, so to speak, everything she could, by a simple thought. Awa slowly came to sit on the bed without waking the girl, looking at her.

_ "Why did you bring me to see young Sarah? Something is bothering you, I can feel it, Lady Awa. Tell me what weighs on your soul." Mana asked without speaking too loudly so as not to wake Sarah.

_ "It's not just about Sarah, I'm afraid." confessed Awa, concerned, turning to her friend. "Since the Raal'Amlagash attack three years ago, I feel more and more cases like Sarah."

_"What do you mean?" Mana asked.

_"Well... More and more human children are beginning to manifest supernatural abilities throughout the world. The most common cases are telepathy, telekinesis or clairvoyance. Of course there is also Sarah, Mathias and Emily, but they are unique cases... I did some research, and I came up with a theory: I think it's our fault."

_ "What?" Mana said, puzzled.

_"It's not proven but when you think about it..." Awa breathed thoughtfully. "Since our arrival in this world, it has not stopped changing, evolving, as well as humans. In contact with monsters, it seems that humans see themselves "changed", unlocking in them capacities that normally they could never have. So we may be witnessing the emergence of a new evolution of the human species."

Mana had listened and had to admit that Awa's theory seemed very solid, but again without proof, nothing was certain.

_"It does not seem to delight you." said the pastor, seeing the grave face of the countess.

_ "And that's normal." Awa replied. "Look at the current situation, Mana. Humans are on the verge of descending into chaos, and let's be honest, this species although young, has never been known for its openness towards the different beings, like us. What will become of these children endowed with extraordinary abilities, in a world where most people are even incapable of accepting the difference in skin color or religion?"

Rise of the Arockalypse (Second Lordi Saga - Story 3) (ON HOLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora