Chapter 42

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  "...should be waking up soon. Is there any family we can call?"

"I'm not sure, I-"

I groggily open my eyes, taking in the sunset that's streaming through the blinds. I see two men standing at the end of my bed talking in hushed voices, but they stop as soon as they see I'm awake.

"What happened?" I ask, my voice sounding weird from not using it recently.

The older man, a doctor, I'm presuming due to his lab coat responds, "You passed out last night and have been unconscious since. It seems that you had a string of heart palpitations, which caused your heart to beat unrhythmically for too long, which is odd due to your age. We're going to run some more tests soon to figure out the cause."

I close my eyes and my shoulders slump. "Don't bother, I know why. I have excess Myocardial scarring that we thought had stopped spreading, but I guess not."

I sigh, but even that motion brings pain to my chest.

"What caused-" the doctor begins to ask, but I interrupt.

"An accident," I state. "When can I go home?"

The doctor seems taken back by my bluntness, but answers. "Since we're not going to be running any tests, I'll see if you can leave tomorrow. Can I get your name?"

I'm confused as to why they don't even have my name, but then remember I collapsed at campus and someone helped me.

I turn my gaze to the guy standing silently in the corner, not drawing any attention to himself. For a second, I can't breathe. The brown hair and eyes, paired with a slim but muscular body makes a million thoughts and memories run through my head. My breathing returns to normal when I realize the stranger who saved me is not in fact Joshua, but just that. A stranger.

"Katie Barstow," I tell the doctor as I focus on the unfamiliar face. He's tall, really tall, maybe 6'4. His hair, which I thought was curly at first, is more wavy than anything, and his eyes are a dark shade of brown, appearing almost black.

"Who are you?" I ask him.

"Peter Williams, I uh, found you on campus and brought you here." he answers, seeming a bit nervous and awkward.

His voice is low and masculine, and I can't help but be attracted to it, not to mention him.

I scold myself for thinking about how good his voice sounds when I should be focusing on what's happening in the moment.

"Thank you, Peter," I tell him.

"Can I get the number of your primary doctor who I'm assuming has been treating you for your condition." Doctor... Allen, according to his coat, asks.

I nod and give him Dr. Olsen's number, then he leaves.

"I haven't called anyone because we didn't know who you are but I can call them now if you want." Peter says, taking the seat next to my bed.

"No, it's ok. I'll just go back to my dorm, I don't need anyone coming unnecessarily. I don't want to scare them."

"Unnecessarily? Katie, you just went unconscious because your heart was not working right. I'm pretty sure this is serious and necessary."

I shake my head. "I'll call my mom when I'm back home, but not right now."


"I'm not calling them." I say sternly.

Peter sighs and leans back in his chair. "At least let me drive you home. What dorms are you in?"

"No, it's ok, I'll just get an uber. I don't want you to have to come back and get me."

As I Fall Asleep- Joshua BassettWhere stories live. Discover now