Chapter 8

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The next afternoon, my parents and I are in Dr. Olsen's office discussing the next steps of my recovery. I'm hearing what they're saying, but I'm not listening. I tuned out once they reiterated what they told me last night, that it just depends on how my body heals and all they can do is keep an eye on the growth of the scar tissue.

I stare out the window behind Dr. Olsen and focus on the two birds on the tree outside.


"Hmm?" I say, snapping out of it. I turn to my dad who apparently had been trying to get my attention for the last few seconds.

"Well, what do you think?"

"About what?" I ask.

"About staying here for observation for a while," my dad answers.

"How long's 'a while'?"

"Anywhere from a few months to-"

I cut him off "A few months?!"

"That's the best-case scenario to see if the progress of the scar tissue slows at all," Dr. Olsen explains.

"No way," I tell them. "I'm a teenager and need to live like one. That doesn't mean being cooped up in the hospital for who knows how long!"

"I get that but-"


Both of my parents sigh at my determination.

Dr. Olsen speaks up, "What if you had regular checkups here? Maybe every two weeks?"

I consider it. LA isn't too far from Fresno, where I live, only a few hours. I nod, "Fine."

With that I excuse myself and begin to wheel out of the room. My mom stands to help, but I go, "No, I'm fine. I just need to be alone."

She looks hurt and I feel bad for a minute, but I really do need to be alone. I need time to process.

I go to the garden for some fresh air and just sit in silence, staring at the trees and plants around me. Josh joins me a few minutes later and reaches over and grabs my hand. We sit there in silence, enjoying each other's company until the sun goes down.


The weeks pass by in a blur. Although it's basically the same schedule every day, Josh and I find things to do to occupy us and keep things interesting.

About 6 weeks after the news, I received about my heart, Josh walks in. I do a double take as he enters. He's not in a wheelchair anymore. Now he's standing straight, supported by crutches. I smile and go, "Oh my gosh! Josh! That's amazing! Look at you!"

"I know! Isn't it great?" He tries to take a step forward and starts to wobble and a nurse steps up beside him and helps steady him. He walks over to the chair I'm in and sits down in the one next to me.

"So," he begins, "in celebration of this," he motions to his crutches, "we are going out to dinner tonight... and I want you to come."

I look at him with squinted eyes. "Who's 'we'?"

"Just my family and I. Sabrina was supposed to join us, but she can't make it."

"I don't know", I say, twisting the fraying ends of the blanket that is hung over my lap.

"Please? I know you want to get out of this place just as much as I do."

That was true. "Are you sure you don't want it to be just you and your family?"

"Yes, of course, I'm sure. Please come, I want you to join us. Plus, my mom keeps asking about you."

I'm still not convinced until Josh adds, "Alison told me she's bringing that book you wanted to read that she has."

Alison, his older sister and I have similar taste in books, and I had been wanting to read a certain series forever and she had said I could borrow it.

I nod, "Ok what time and where?"

Three hours later I'm sitting at a table at a fancy restaurant in Malibu of which I can't even pronounce the name. It was a struggle, but I got myself into a dress and did my hair, with my mom's help of course. While it was a pain to get all dolled up, it felt good to dress up a little.

Our food arrives and people begin eating and sharing small talk. I'm sitting there, feeling a little out of place and awkward when I hear Mrs. Bassett- I mean Laura- start to talk about Josh when he was little and the mischief he used to get in. WE all laugh as Laura recounts numerous stories about Joshua, his sisters and dad adding in occasionally. I thought he would be mad about his family making fun of him, but he just sits there laughing with the others, shaking his head.

Josh's dad turns to me, "I'm sorry Katie. We're a bit loud and rowdy."

I shake my head laughing, "No, you guys are totally fine. I'm the middle of 5 kids so I get it."

Josh's dad looks surprised at my comment. "Oh really? How cool! I bet you have some stories of your own then."

I raise my eyebrows and shrug innocently. "Honestly, my siblings didn't cause too much trouble when we were younger. It was usually me."

Now it's his turn to raise his eyebrows. "Really?"


Josh laughs and says, "Why am I not surprised?"

Laura hits josh in the shoulder and scolds him, "Joshua!"

"What? She literally got us in trouble last week for trying to sneak us in the hospital kitchen!"

I gasp, "It would have worked if that janitor wasn't there! I swear it was supposed to be empty."

Laughter erupts around the table, and I take a sip of my water, concealing my smile.

I've only seen this side of Josh a couple times. There's a whole new side to him when he's around his family.

The rest of the night is amazing. We order dessert and soon we're ready to go. Since it's past visiting hours, Josh and I head up to our room alone. IN the elevator, Josh turns to me, balancing on his crutches.

"Thanks for coming tonight, it meant a lot."

"I'm glad I came," I tell him. "I had a lot of fun, your family's amazing."

We stand there a few seconds in silence when I suddenly remember something. "Oh crap! I forgot to get the book from your sister!"

"You can probably get it later. I have a feeling you'll be seeing them more often now."

Even though I'm confused by that statement I don't ask.

When we get to our room, I'm so exhausted I just have a nurse help me into bed, not bothering to take off my dress or let down my hair.

As I fall asleep, I recount the night from start to finish, smiling. But one thought nags me in the back of my mind. What did Josh mean by 'I'll be seeing his family more'?


Oooh Josh and Katie seem to be getting closer!

Do you guys think Katie will be ok?

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As I Fall Asleep- Joshua BassettWhere stories live. Discover now